Homemade Baby Food | Make your own baby food

Now worldhealthmedicine want to make Homemade Baby Food? Here are some things you need to consider:

Foodstuff for Homemade Baby Food

If you are about to start giving solid foods to babies, then start with a simple. In addition to foods such as cereals, solid foods to your baby can be a mashed banana or avocado, mashed apples, pears, pumpkins, and potatoes are cooked.

Once the baby looks like a wide range of fruits and vegetables, you can introduce the next beef, lamb, or chicken to it. Make sure you do not put salt in baby foods and not processed meat with roasted/burnt. As a variation, of course you can combine the meat with vegetables or even fruits, like apples and pears.

After baby is gradually getting used to a variety of foods and different textures and teeth begin to appear, you can try to give the soft fish and fleshy fruits that are slightly sour like a lemon.

Setting Tips for homemade baby food


First of all peeled fruit, reserving the fat from meat and lard, chicken skin as well and set aside.

Homemade baby food processing:

For processing, food can be steamed, boiled, or cooked in a microwave.

Furthermore, for infants under 8 months, you can make these materials become pure. The process can use a regular blender or food processor. To make a smoother puree, you can just add boiled water to taste.

Homemade baby food recipe for babies over 8 months old, fairly finely chopped meat and other foodstuffs can mash with a fork. If using fish, be careful with the bones. Good luck with your homemade baby food.

Prevent Aids Transmission | HIV | Overcome AIds

Prevent Aids Transmission | The best Way to prevent HIV transmission is not make high-risk sexual behavior. Also keep in order not to have been contaminated with body fluids of HIV entry into our bodies.

AIDS is a symptoms of a disease that attacks the human body after their immune systems damaged by a virus called HIV. Understanding AIDS is reflected in the extension of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, or Syndrome Immune Defects acquired.

Therefore, we tried to find a way to Prevent Aids Transmission, so, the aids development can be suppressed. Here we will give you tips and ways to Prevent Aids Transmission.

Prevent Aids Transmission Through the Sex, Do not engage free sex in multiple partners. If you do not know for sure that your partner is HIV infected or not, you should use a good condom correctly when having sex.

Prevent Aids Transmission Through The Polluted Tools. If you want to use the tools that penetrate skin and blood (hypodermic needles, tattoo needles, razors and others), make sure that the tools are completely sterile.

Sterilize equipment can be washed with care. You can use 70% ethanol or bleach. How, suction ethanol with a syringe, and then spray it out. This was done twice. Then do the same way by using clean water. Do not use a needle or a device that penetrates the skin alternately with others.

Prevent Aids Transmission Through Blood. If you want to undergo a blood transfusion, make sure the blood has been screened and declared free of HIV by the Red Cross, or other health institution.

Thus tips Prevent Aids Transmission, hopefully this article can be useful to us, let us stimulate healthy living for a healthy future.

Benefit Grapes Fruit For Health and Beauty

Extraordinary health Benefit Grapes Fruit. you know that grapes are usually produced in Arabic and the surrounding area. Proved to have very many grapes benefits for human health.

Wine is a pretty little plant with a wide range of colors, there are red, green, or purple with Benefit Grapes Fruit that remarkable for your health. Grapes are not only sources of vitamin A, C, B6 and folate are good. But also other important mineral resources, such as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. The content is very beneficial to good health and our immune system.

Benefit Grapes Fruit that remarkable:

1. Asthma
Wine assimilatory power that can increase the water content in the lungs. This is very good for people with asthma, because it can reduce breathing problems.

2. Antibacterial
Red wine contains antibacterial, and antiviral strong, so it can protect the body from infection.

3. Alzheimer's
Another benefit grapes fruit is, studies show that wine can improve brain health and prevent Alzheimer's disease. This is because grapes contain resveratol, which is a polyphenol that reduces the level of amyloidal beta peptides in Alzheimer's patients.

4. Breast cancer
Research also indicates that purple grape juice helps in preventing breast cancer is significantly reduced tumor mass in the breast.

5. Constipation
Wine contains organic acids, sugars, cellulose, known as a laxative. These benefits are very good to deal with complaints of constipation or difficult bowel movements.

6. Fatigue
Benefits of grapes. Grape juice contains instant energy. Grape juice that is rich in iron can reduce fatigue, balanced with adequate rest.

7. Heart disease
Benefit Grapes Fruit is useful for the level of nitric oxide in the blood will increase when you eat the grapes, which are useful to prevent clots and reduce the risk of heart disease. Antioxidants can also stop the oxidation of LDL cholesterol that block blood vessels.

8. Digestion
If you suffer from indigestion, you'll want to eat grapes. Wine is also good for other stomach problems.

9. Migraine
Drinking pure grape juice without water mixture in every morning to cure disease or migraine headaches.

That is information about Benefit Grapes Fruit that we need to know, get used to living healthy and eating healthy fruits.

Heart Attack Grill strikes again

Heart Attack Grill strikes again | The Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas, NV was the site of an actual heart attack in February, and on Saturday, a woman collapsed as the result of the second heart attack at the aptly named restaurant.

A sign on the door at the Heart Attack Grill reads, “Caution! The woman was eating a Double Bypass Burger when she suffered the apparent heart attack. The largest burger, the Quadruple Bypass Burger, comes in at 9,993 calories, which is a newGuinness World Record.

A place like the Heart Attack Grill is sure to attract criticism, especially after multiple patrons have had actual heart attacks while dining in the establishment.

Owner Jon Basso told KVVU-TV that the patron, believed to be in her mid-40s, was eating a Double Bypass Burger when she suffered an apparent heart attack.

Basso said the diner was also drinking alcohol and smoking before falling onto the floor unconscious.

The quadruple burger touts 9,983 calories -- a Guinness World Record.

"We attract an avant-garde clientele -- thrill seekers, risk takers," Basso told the Los Angeles Times.

Technorati Tags: gluten free diet, the heart attack grill, anna chapman, howard stern, shirley temple

5 Characteristics of Breast Implants

5 characteristics of breast implants | The number of women who do not feel confident with the size of her breasts, continues to grow. According to data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nearly 300,000 women in America do breast enlargement in 2010.

In Indonesia, although small numbers, but interest in plastic surgery continues to rise. Even in a private hospital in Tangerang, patients seeking plastic surgery including breast implants, have to wait up to two months later.

Phenomenon indicates that Indonesia is not taboo anymore to make a short cut through operating table, including the filling breast with implants to achieve beauty.

For the layman, it may be difficult to distinguish where the natural breast that has been coupled with silicon. But according to the plastic surgeon Norman Rowe, there are five major characteristics to identify the Breast with Implant.

5 characteristics of Breast Implant

1. The distance is too close

Most of the female breast is about 7 cm. But with the addition of an implant distance was reduced a lot. "When the doctor put an implant, usually they are put too close together so the result will be seen docked in the middle," said Rowe.

2. too high

The most obvious characteristic of the other is if your breasts look too high to the chest. Normal is parallel to the axillary breast.

3. Looks like a watermelon

Natural breast have a form such as papaya or avocado, but if it looks like melon rounding, or as large as 'watermelon', it is a sign of breast was not genuine," he said. Unlike the original breast will naturally fill the bottom, silicone implants are usually placed slightly above so perfectly round in shape.

4. Scar tissue visible

Plastic surgeons generally use four points to insert the implant into the breast and it will leave a scar. Incision can be seen at the bottom of the breast, near the nipple, near the armpit, or on the navel.

5. Hear sound

You need a super-sensitive ears or the room is very quiet to hear him. Women who perform breast augmentation using a 'saline implants' sometimes produce sound when they move. "If the implant can not fill the whole section, sometimes there will be air pockets that can produce sound," he said. [kompas]

Injectable Gel Breast Rated Not Safe

Injectable Gel Breast Rated Not Safe | The practitioners of plastic surgery in the United Kingdom welcomed the decision to stop breast injection procedure using gel macrolane. The practice of injected gel macrolane to improve breast shape is known as the "lunchtime boob jobs", will be discontinued in the UK starting this week.

The decision was taken after considering results of a poll conducted by the Association of Plastic Surgeons UK (British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons/BAAPS). As many as 25 percent of BAAPS member states agree that the use of injectable macrolane may pose a risk of complications in patients.
The experts also warn that 'gel macrolane' may interfere with screening or breast cancer screening despite manufacturers 'macrolane Q-Med' says it is still being debated. Products of the Supervisory Board of Health and Medicine UK (MHRA) said, injecting macrolane can mess up the reading of results of mammogram, so make diagona be difficult to enforce. Injecting the breast using macrolane, originally a favorite, and many offered the surgeons because it is considered safe, easy, dab minimal invasive than surgery or breast implants planting. BAAPS data show that in 2009, more than 1,000 women in Britain opt macrolane injections to enlarge their breasts.

BAAPS president Fazel Fatahthat confirmed, it worried the use of injectable due to increased reports of cases of breast capsular contracture (hardening of breast tissue around the implant) and the formation of a bump due to the use macrolane. Earlier this year, repair procedures of the breasts also had a heated debate. Silicone implants that produced a French company called Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) a lot of the spotlight because it was feared damage and trigger breast cancer among women. Thousands of women undergo surgical removal of the implants for fear of getting cancer [kompas.com]

Overweight Trigger Premature Ejaculation

Overweight Trigger Premature Ejaculation | Premature ejaculation is related to the lack of a functioning serotonin in the body. The result diminished the function of barriers to ejaculation, so it can not control ejaculation.

Another theory linked the habit of premature ejaculation with the past that wanted to experience orgasm and ejaculate. But uncontrolled ejaculation, penile erection also occurs if not optimal. Therefore, men with erectile problems, almost certainly experienced rapid ejaculation is not controlled.

Overweight does not directly cause premature ejaculation. But if obesity causes physical barriers in sexual intercourse, may have an influence on ejaculation control.

If obesity-related disease or other disorders, may be impaired erection, which ultimately resulted in not being able to control ejaculation. Injury to the lumbar, if any cause and effect, in general about the erection, rather than directly on premature ejaculation.

Diet to Increase supply of breast milk

Diet to Increase supply of breast milk | Many breastfeeding mothers worry about their babies not getting enough milk and worried about their milk supply is low. As is known, a lot or not, really depends on the supply of milk from mothers giving milk to their babies. The more frequent breastfeeding, the greater amount of milk, and vice versa.

But there is some evidence showing that diet has an influence on milk production, as quoted from Lifestrong as following:

Diet to Increase supply of breast milk

1. Healthy eating

A pregnant woman should eat more than normal women to get enough energy for milk production. Women who are breastfeeding need about 500 extra calories each day. Pregnant women should also eat a variety of foods, as well as vitamin supplements, for a variety of nutrients needed by infants. Pregnant women should get at least three proteins and five servings of calcium every day, and eating foods rich in iron. Some foods that may be the top choice among others: green leafy vegetables, whole grains, fresh fruits, fish rich in omega three fats and low fat dairy products.

2. Fluid

In addition to eating a variety of healthy foods, women who are breastfeeding should drink plenty of fluids. Besides water, you also can meet the needs of the body fluids of pure fruit juice, and low-fat milk to help increase milk supply. Breastfeeding mothers should get at least 8 glasses of fluid each day, preferably without caffeine. You also can try herbal teas that are designed to stimulate milk production.

Special food

Although most women produce enough milk for the baby, even if they are not good nutrition, but a poor diet can affect the quality of their milk. This will certainly affect the intake of nutrients needed by your baby. There are certain foods that can increase milk supply. These include, oatmeal, garlic and ginger. If your milk supply is low, try eating oatmeal for breakfast every day, and add a bit more spice to your diet.


Besides food, there are several dietary supplements that are marketed for nursing mothers, which is claimed to increase milk supply. Although there are few scientific studies that tested the effectiveness of these supplements, but many nursing mothers who reported the successful use of these herbal supplements. The experts of the Newman Breastfeeding Clinic and Institute recommends fenugreek capsules. Other herbs that are recommended for increasing milk supply is raspberry leaf and alfalfa. However, before using herbal supplements while breastfeeding, be sure to consult with a doctor or your pediatrician.

Night Sleep Affect Children's Brain Growth

Night Sleep Affect Children's Brain Growth | Child's body has never stopped growing, even while they sleep, especially in the golden years of age (12 months to three years).

Generally, the long night's sleep is also a major effect on brain development in children, because the sleep remains be a priority for children.

Children need plenty of rest, because the growth and child development is very dependent of the bed, Without enough sleep, the child will not grow optimally, because here is happening repair brain cells, and approximately 80 percent of the growth hormone produced.

Parents should be smart to savor the moments that are important for brain child growth, one of which is when your baby sleep at night. Abnormalities in the brain also can be known of how the child's sleep patterns and sleep disorders will lead to the opposite effect.

all things that occur during sleep are a reflection of the activity of certain neurons in the central nervous system, which changes dramatically according to child development.

Therefore, sleep is related to child development, and has a connection to the child's cognitive functioning. The study, conducted the University of Minnesota and University of Montreal found that sleeping at night and naps are managed by different parts of the brain, in terms of circuitry and circadian rhythms.

Thus, time to sleep at night for a child can not be replaced with sleep in the day. The brain child growth also needs proper nutrition, because the brain needs energy to grow.

Heart Disease Symptoms | in Women | man

Heart disease symptoms | in women, this is contrast with Heart disease symptoms that attack in man, in woman more dangerous and often result in death, because these symptoms are sometimes not known or diagnosed late. Beside that, the treatment of heart disease in women is often ignored and not acted upon treatment, So this is due to unwanted factors.

According to the research finding, some doctors are giving less inspection, less frequent follow up, fewer treatments and less surgery in women. Perhaps this is why heart attacks more deadly if you happen to women than men.

Thus, Heart disease symptoms in women should really be noticed, and women must often check to doctor with perceived abnormalities in the body, so that heart disease symptoms in women that are considered dangerous can be overcome.

So, we from kkkmedicine.blogspot.com team, trying to provide health information, in order to help cure heart disease symptoms in women, Mercy on of women.!

Heart disease symptoms in women

1. difficulty breathing
2. difficulty sleeping
3. Limp for no reason
4. indigestion
Nausea and vomiting

As a result of your body in a state of 'emergency' during a heart attack, the nerves that control body functions to work too hard. This will make your sweats, pallor, dizziness, nausea and often vomiting. Experts do not know the exact reasons behind this situation, but if you are experiencing this, it's good to see the doctor.

6. Most of body feels uncomfortable

Logically, a heart attack will strike and give effect to the left side of the body, especially left arm. But one sign of a heart attack are pain and discomfort in left arm or both arms. Pain and discomfort is also felt in jaw, neck, back and stomach.

So little notice of heart disease symptoms Do not wait to check further more to doctor when one sign was got. Thank you

Causes of Hepatitis A | Hepatitis B | Hepatitis C

Causes of Hepatitis A | Hepatitis B | Hepatitis C | Hepatitis is a disease that causes swelling of the liver. The causes can vary. However, the most common is due to the spread of the virus, excessive alcohol consumption, toxins or infected from others who have been hit by this disease.

Causes of Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A Disease, a disease that is often found for the Southeast Asia region, especially in developing countries, because the disease is always something to do with the neighborhood.

Causes of Hepatitis A is primarily hepatis A virus, but it attacks its victims with food and drinks. Patients do not hygienic environment, and cleanliness of food or beverages consumed, is a means for rapid outbreak of hepatitis A. Not only that causes hepatitis A can also be caused by a drug addict, and anal intercourse. Thus means a person who has the soul of homosexual high risk of hepatitis A disease is.

This is the causes of hepatitis A from a hepatitis virus. But this virus will not attack if it has been in the know the steps to overcome. Therefore seek information and find out information about this disease is the need to protect you care of this disease.

Causes of Hepatitis B

One of the dangerous diseases that can infect humans is a hepatitis disease. Of all types of viral hepatitis, the most the most vicious and deadly enough is hepatitis B. You certainly do not want to get the disease, is not it? For that you should be aware of the causes of hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B disease is a type of health problems that specifically attack the liver. Hepatitis B virus enters the body that will infect the liver and then destroy the cells, so the heart could not work perfectly.

Causes of Hepatitis B, As we saw earlier, the causes hepatitis B is a viral infection that eats away at the liver cells. Here is a condition that can cause you to develop chronic hepatitis B.

1. Blood Transfusion
One causes of hepatitis B can be transmitted to many people, is when there is a person with hepatitis B who then donate blood without screening for hepatitis B. If the donor's blood is transfused to another person, of course, the person will participate contracting hepatitis B.

2. Together with Use of Goods
The cause of hepatitis B can be transmitted to others can also go through certain items that are used together, such as syringes. Injecting drug users are typically used in bulk drug addicts. When one of them suffering from hepatitis B, of course, the disease can be transmitted to others who participated needle using the needle.

3. Sexual contact
According to experts, one of the ways of transmission of hepatitis B is through sexual intercourse. One cause of hepatitis B can be transmitted easily to others is when a married couple who will not perform medical tests, so no one knows whether the spouses have contracted hepatitis B virus or not.

Those are some causes of hepatitis B can be spread to others. The point is hepatitis B can spread through the human body fluids, eg blood or saliva. Therefore, the medical officer should be careful before taking a blood donor and blood screening first, whether the blood is clean of hepatitis B or not.

Causes of Hepatitis C

In general, the causes hepatitis C is virus. However nfeksi healthy liver cells to interfere with liver function.

Usually HCV or hepatitis C virus damages the liver slowly and in a long time. Normally, the liver slowly but surely will have hardening or cirrhosis may progress to liver cancer.

Symptoms of hepatitis C
At the beginning of virus infection, no symptoms are apparent and annoying. Only after several years, it seems a common symptom experienced by everyone. Patients will look tired, upset stomach, darker colored urine and skin color and yellowish eyes. This is the reason why Hepatitis also known as jaundice.

Typically, the symptoms will appear after a long infection, and sometimes a bit late. To avoid delays in treatment, then you should immediately perform blood tests on Normally, transmission occurred through the use of shared injection needles, tattooing with unsterilized needles and changing or through blood transfusions. The significance of hepatitis itself is a swelling of the liver.

Hepatitis C virus
There are several types of virus that became a scapegoat cause of hepatitis C, among which are: rubella, mumps, Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus and herpes virus.

Prevention of hepatitis C
By knowing the cause of hepatitis C in the above, it is expected that the public can take precautions by way away from the use of shared injection needles. Also make sure to take action using a new needle and sterile tattoo and avoiding alcohol and drinking. Healthy lifestyles and consumption of foods that meet nutritional needs regular exercise also proven to distance themselves from the cause of hepatitis C. Early disease management will facilitate the healing process.

Baby Colds: Flu, Sneezing, Runny Nose, Stuffy Nose

Baby Colds: Flu, Sneezing | Have you ever had an experience when your baby has a cold or the flu? When the nose is blocked, head and joint pains felt dizzy. Yes, this condition must be torture for the baby. So do not be surprised if your baby becomes fussy. As a parent, you also must worry about it.

The process of cold transmission to the baby through the blast occurred not when somebody sneezes, but through touch. It may be that when someone is sick with the flu and then touching your baby's hands, or exchanging toys with him. At that time the nasal fluids can enter the skin or toys, and enter the body through the nose. Well, this is a cold beginning to your baby. Baby cold symptoms similar to adults, ie sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, and cough. In normal conditions, flu attack your baby for five to six days.

Facing a cold baby, you do not need to panic. Keep in mind, it is easy to attack the flu virus in infants, because their immune systems are not perfect.

However, your baby has sufficient stamina to attack the flu. Sneezing and coughing when the flu is part of the body's defense mechanism against viruses.

Colds in babies can actually heal itself, along with the growing conditions of your baby's body. Remember, the flu is actually no cure. Usually the doctor will recommend acetaminophen or ibuprofen to relieve pain and fever. That is, the drug is only to relieve symptoms of flu, not to cure a cold baby.

Important things you need to consider, the administration of drugs is not without side effects. Baby you belong to that age group are particularly vulnerable to side effects caused by drugs that you provide.

The drug will serve as caffeine, which increases heart rate and blood pressure. Therefore, do not be surprised if your baby getting fussy, sleepless nights and restless after being given the drug.

When the baby cold, it will lack the appetite, so that food intake becomes optimal. Strive to get your baby fluid intake to prevent dehydration. Do not stop breastfeeding or milk formula, which has sufficient nutrients to help your baby recovery process.

You can work around this by feeding little by little, to be varied to give water or fruit juice to make it more fresh. Give also a sense of comfort to your baby can rest comfortably in order to speed up the healing process of a cold and your baby.

You begin to be wary if your baby breathing fast or panting, pale, limp, did not want to talk, a high fever of more than two days, and looked very ill. In this condition, immediately contact a doctor.

May useful this Baby Colds: Flu, Sneezing, Runny Nose, Stuffy Nose article

Causes of Flu and Cold | Virus | in Children

Causes of Flu and Cold | Virus | in Children | Do not underestimate influenza (flu). Not just pig flu is dangerous, flu as generally also must be cautious by us. A lot of things without us knowing it allows us got the flu. Here are many things you need to consider and more careful in today's flu season.

Causes of Flu and Cold

1. Overanxious
Our fears of impending disease would only make us sick. For example, fears of pig flu virus. H1N1 virus has not proved to be more threatening than regular flu. Most people who have pig flu, if the recovery will be fully recovered.

2. Hugging, kissing, and shaking hands
What's so dangerous about a simple handshake? Close contact with an infected individual is one of the easiest migration of the virus. That does not mean you have to antisocial during flu season, but you should be aware of opportunities transfer virus.

3. Smoke
Smoking can weaken the function of hairs in the nose, which serves to filter the air to the lungs, so the germs will get caught and get into the lungs. It is, resulting in your body more susceptible to disease.

4. Sports are too often
Do you know if the center gym is a place loaded with germs? Starting from the treadmill and fitness equipment, full of sweat, stool, dressing rooms, and may be in the bag you take home, there are germs that stick.

5. Drinking alcoholic beverages
A recent study in BMC Immunology found that rats who consumed large amounts of alcohol in a short time, the immune system is weakened, and may have a harder time fighting infections for at least 24 hours.

9. Drinking cold medicine before the time
In the midst of the panic to swine flu virus, many people then find and buy supplies of antiviral drugs in anticipation. However, most of them will not even probably will never need it.

10. Made light of every thing
It may seem contradictory, but in fact the healthiest approach to flu season is to take a position in between panic and indifference.

Causes of Flu Virus

In general, viruses are divided into three types, namely Type A, B and C. Type virus is a virus that can infect humans, horses, pig, seals, whales and other animals. However, residential real nature of this virus in wild birds. Type A viruses are further divided into several sub-types based on proteins on the surface. Two protein is hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA).

Protein content itself is subdivided into several types. There are 15 types of HA and 9 types o f type NA. Examples are: H1N1, H3N2, H7N7 and H5N1. The H1N1 virus is a type A influenza virus that has an HA protein type 1 and NA 1. while the H5N1 avian virus is a virus Type A which has a protein HA 5 and NA 1. Several types of type A virus variants as of quite harmless to humans.

Here are some examples of Influenza Virus Type A, which had claimed the lives of humans. H3N8 viruses. Commonly called the Russian flu. Highly contagious and deadly. Epidemic in 1889-1890. H1N1. Called the Spanish Flu, because it caused about 8 million people died in Spain. Epidemic in 1918-1919. This is now commonly called swine flu or pig flu. H5N1, Bird Flu. Until October 2006, has led to the deaths of around 180 people. Epidemic began in 1997. In addition to the above types, there are many variants of Influenza Virus Type A such as H7N7, H9N2, H10N7, H7N2, and H7N3. But the types are not very popular because it does not cost the lives of humans.

In contrast to type A influenza virus that are classified, Type B and C are not classified in the various sub-types. The second type of this virus, not too dangerous as A.Virus Type B is also commonly found in humans. Although it can cause epidemics, but the type B virus can not cause a pandemic. While more moderate levels of type A and B, because it can not cause an epidemic or pandemic. Type C viruses cause only mild illness in humans.

Seeing so many variants of influenza virus, we should guard against contracting these viruses, especially type A. The best way to avoid viruses attack is of course a healthy lifestyle. The trick is always to maintain hygiene, diet and rest and do not forget to exercise regularly. May you be free of Influenza Virus that interfere.

Causes of Flu in Children

Firus cause of flu in children develop more quickly (between 1 and 4 days after contracting the virus) and more powerful than the sneezing and nasal congestion.

Lagripees, respiratory disease that affects children more than adults, and occurs more frequently during the rainy season or winter. While the adults, the symptoms last week, the children can last up to two weeks. Lagripeno cured by specific treatment, but in children is dangerous, and requires that antiviral drugs should be administered within 48 hours after infection.

The most effective way, but not quite guaranteed to prevent your child from getting the vaccine lagripees. However, the baby will NOT be vaccinated against influenza, but not until after six months.

Another factor to consider is: It can be applied to infants allergic to eggs, and their derivatives, ie, as components of vaccines grown in eggs. If your baby is allergic to, inform your doctor. Also, some babies may be allergic to the vaccine.

May this post about Causes of Flu and Cold | Causes of Flu Virus | Causes of Flu in Children, can be useful to all.

8 Strategies to Prevent Stroke

8 Strategies to Prevent Stroke | Stroke or partial loss of all neurological function (nerve), which occurs suddenly has become one of serious diseases in Indonesia, because of a growing number of cases.

In developed countries like United States, stroke ranks third as a cause of death. While in Indonesia, stroke is the leading cause of death and top cause of disability.

"It takes a strategy for dealing with stroke. Data in Indonesia showed that 8.3 per 10,000 people suffer a stroke," said dr. Dani Ekawati Yulianti, SpS, neurologist MRCCC Siloam Hospital Semanggi, while seminar Healty Healthty Brain for Life, in Jakarta, Saturday (14/01/2012).

In fact, as much as 23 percent of patients who were hospitalized due to stroke resulted in death.

There are many risk factors that trigger onset of stroke such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and excessive alcohol consumption. However, these risk factors can actually be altered by treatment of lifestyle.

8 Strategies to Prevent Stroke

1. Healthy and Balanced Diet

2. Regular physical activity

3. Weight Control

4. stop Smoking

5. Limit Alcohol Consumption

6. control of Hypertension

Lowering high blood pressure to target less than 140/90 mmHg (without other comorbidities).

7. Blood Sugar Control

For diabetics, the target of more aggressive blood pressure reduction of less than 130/80. Blood sugar control target of HbA1c <6.5 percent.  

8. Hypercholesterolemia

For people with high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia), the provision of statins and lifestyle modifications with target LDL cholesterol levels less than 100 mg / dl.

Triglycerides also Trigger Stroke

Triglycerides also Trigger Stroke | Bad cholesterol is better known as a cause of heart disease. But not many people know that triglycerides, or blood fats, play a major role in the incidence of stroke.

Some experts even say that passage levels of triglycerides are very important to know a person's risk of stroke compared bad cholesterol (LDL).

In a study of 774 adult women, who suffered a stroke for over 8 years. They were compared with women who come from the same race and age but not of stroke.

In general, a quarter of women had high levels of triglycerides and 56 percent of stroke compared with a quarter of women are lower triglyceride levels.

Indeed it does not prove that triglycerides that cause stroke, but the connection came after the researchers accounted for other stroke risk factors like high blood pressure and diabetes. In addition to the American Heart Association (AHA) also states that value of triglycerides as a risk factor for stroke.

According to AHA, 150-199 milligrams perdesiliter triglyceride levels (mg/dL) as the upper threshold and triglyceride levels above 200 mg/dL as high.

Several other risk factors are intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL) and very low density liporterotein (VLDL), which shows the particle size of blood fats. Women who have large VLDL particles tend to be more at risk of stroke.

"Traditional measurements such as LDL assessed only just now no longer enough to know the risk of stroke," said Dr.Jeffrey S.Berger, from New York University Medical Center.

Yet he added that not everyone needs to know levels of VLDL or IDL, although there is also a doctor who starts to check them.

RISK OF STROKE | Prevent Stroke with Citrus Fruit

Prevent Stroke with Citrus Fruit | Recent research shows that eating citrus fruit regularly can help reduce the risk of stroke. For this study, researchers focused on compounds called flavanone, which is found in citrus fruits.

"These data provide strong support for eating more fruit juice as a daily consumption to reduce the risk of ischemic stroke," says study leader Aedin Cassidy, head of the nutrition of Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, England.

There is a possibility that flavanone in citrus fruits improve blood vessel function or reduce inflammation, which has been associated with stroke, the researchers said.

Cassidy said, to gain maximum benefit from the flavanone, fruits should be presented in the form of juice and no added sugar.

The study was published online on February 23, 2012 in the journal Stroke, whose research is funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

Flavanones is a type of flavonoid which has been known for its ability to suppress the incidence of stroke risk is lower. In addition to fruits and vegetables, flavonoids are also found in red wine and dark chocolate.

For this study, the researchers focused on the six subclasses of flavonoids, including flavanone.

In the study researchers evaluated data from the U.S. Nurses Health Study for 14 years. The study involved nearly 70,000 women, who each reported their food intake every four years and include details about the consumption of fruits and vegetables. At the end of the study note that there are about 1803 cases of stroke occurring. Approximately half had ischemic stroke (blockage of blood vessels).

Researchers said the number of flavonoid intake did not reduce the risk of stroke, but flavanone intake may reduce the risk of stroke. Women who earn more flavanone intake have an increased risk 19 percent lower risk of ischemic stroke than those who eat them in small amounts.

The researchers found that 95 percent of consumption flavanone derived from citrus fruits and juices, especially orange and grapefruit juice. Participants who ate the fruit or orange juice at most, the risk of stroke was reduced by 10 percent.

Women who received the lowest intake of flavanone on average consume about 150 milligrams of flavonoids per day or less. While those who earn large amounts of flavanone intake consumed about 470 milligrams a day.

Cassidy said, a piece of citrus fruit contains 45 to 50 milligrams of flavanone.

The findings also showed that those who run a high flavonoid diet tend to have a healthy lifestyle such as smoking less, exercising more often, eat more fiber, and a little caffeine and alcohol consumption.

Researchers confirmed that relationship between diets high in flavanone and a lower risk of stroke does not prove causality.

Additional research is needed to better understand the link between consumption and the risk of stroke flavanon, the researchers said. Although this study only included women, Cassidy suspect the findings would apply to men. "This study now needs to be done," said Cassidy.

Hannah Gardener, an epidemiologist at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine neurology department, said the study adds information to us to determine the relationship between diet and risk of stroke.

"There are some studies that suggest that greater consumption of fruits and vegetables was associated with reduced risk of stroke," said Gardener, who was not involved in the study.

"These findings underscore the importance of fruit and vegetable intake, as well as providing evidence that citrus fruits may be particularly important in terms of reducing the risk of stroke," he concluded.

Sibling attacked by Stroke | you also risk

Sibling attacked by Stroke| The debate on whether the stroke hereditary disease or not, is still growing. But the latest research by Swedish scientists found evidence that risk of stroke can be seen from absence of siblings who have a history of stroke.

Researchers reported that individuals who have a sibling male or female with a stroke, the risk of stroke could rise to 64 percent than those who do not have a family history of stroke.

In fact, increasing the risk of stroke may be higher if a person has a sibling with a stroke when she was still relatively young. For example, when your brother had a stroke before the age of 56 years, then their siblings (brother or sister) have an increased risk of stroke nearly doubled.

The findings refer to the most common type of stroke - called ischemic stroke - which occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted as a result of blockages in blood vessels.

"Patients in zone of risk of heart attack or stroke should be made aware that genetic factors contribute greatly," says study leader, Dr. Erik Ingelsson, a professor of cardiovascular epidemiology at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm.

To find out how relationships between family history and risk of stroke, researchers included more than 30 700 men and women that his brother had suffered a stroke and 152 000 adults who have siblings with no history of stroke.

The result, those who have a brother or sister with a history of stroke (61-64 percent) were more likely to suffer a stroke than people without a family history of stroke.

While individuals who have a sibling with a stroke at age 55 years or younger nearly doubled risk of stroke. Gender differences also seem to not be too influential.

Researchers emphasize that they only saw limited incidence of stroke and did not see the other risk factors like high blood pressure or cholesterol levels. This means that researchers can not track the extent to which genetic factors influence the risk of stroke.

"But if your brother had a stroke, probably the best idea is to pay more attention to lifestyle habits such as diet and exercise, and blood pressure checked regularly," advises Ingelsson.

Dr. Gregg Fonarow, a professor of cardiology at the University of California, Los Angeles, said the study was very helpful in better understanding about the risk of stroke. "It gives us insight into the family of risk, involving both genetic, in the case of high blood pressure and risk of high cholesterol, and lifestyle history together," he said.

"Obviously, those who have relatives with stroke have a higher risk, and should strive to address all modifiable risk factors for stroke," added Fonarow.

Dr. Murray Mittleman, director of cardiovascular epidemiology research unit of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, said, although one can not eliminate the factor of family history, but they can control the risk through lifestyle interventions.

"That means stop smoking if you are a smoker. Routine blood pressure checks, maintain an active lifestyle. And choose foods that nourish the heart to maintain a good balance of healthy fats, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as a reasonable amount of fiber," Mittleman clear.

2050, Number of Senile People Up Triple

2050, Number of Senile People | World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, the number of people with dementia or dementia throughout the world will be tripled by 2050. WHO says, as many as 35.6 million people worldwide are currently living with dementia.

The UN health agency says, that number will double to 65.7 million in 2030 and reached 115.4 million in 2050. This report published by WHO in Dementia: public health priority.

WHO said the share of cases of dementia in poor countries and the middle will increase to 70 percent in 2050, given the growing elderly population.
Dementia is caused by various diseases of the brain that affects memory, thinking, behavior and ability to perform daily activities.

"We need to improve our ability to detect early dementia, and provide medical care and necessary social," said Oleg Chestnov, assistant director-general of noncommunicable diseases and mental health from the WHO.

"Much can be done to reduce burden of patients with dementia. But unfortunately, many health workers are not adequately trained to recognize symptoms of dementia," he added.

WHO noted that only eight countries worldwide that have a national program to cope with dementia. In fact, dementia is a public health priority.

WHO is also highlighting still a lack of information and understanding about dementia, as well as the strong stigma sometimes makes patients delay seeking medical assistance.

"The low public understanding of dementia and the stigma must be overcome," said Marc Wortmann, Executive Director of Alzheimer's Disease International.

Meanwhile, Shekhar Saxena, head of WHO's mental health department revealed that the prevalence of dementia will explode in this century, along with the length of one's life expectancy.

"Those aged over 65 years, 1 in 8 of them will have dementia. While those aged over 85 years one of 2.5 people will develop dementia," said Saxena.

One More Proof, Sleep Deprivation Trigger Diabetes?

One More Proof, Sleep Deprivation Trigger Diabetes? | A recent research suggesting a link between lack of sleep and the risk of diabetes. In their research, scientists from the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston found, inconsistent sleep schedule or sleep deprivation can increase the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

In his study, researchers monitored 21 healthy people, who all live in a sleep laboratory for nearly six weeks, in which the cycles of sleep, diet and activity are all controlled by researcher.

The findings showed that participants who are only allowed to sleep about six hours a night and experienced a shift in the cycle sleep/wake has a blood sugar level is higher and tends to slow down the metabolic process.

"The level of glucose that higher for long periods of time on some of the participants could be increased to pre-diabetes," said the researcher. These findings were published on 11 April 2012 in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

Sleep and blood sugar

In the study, researchers conducted blood tests to measure levels of several hormones, including insulin, cortisol (stress related), and leptin and ghrelin (which relate to regulate appetite).

They found that disrupted sleep schedules cause a decrease in 32 percent of the amount of insulin released in the body after eating. Insulin is a key hormone in the regulation of blood sugar.

"The decline in insulin levels is one explanation of how the disruption or lack of sleep can cause diabetes," said Lisa Rafalson, a professor of pediatrics and family medicine at the University at Buffalo.

Rafalson revealed an increase in stress hormones that kept awake the body can cause hormonal imbalances. "Insulin can not perform their duties efficiently, so you end up getting the remaining excess glucose in the bloodstream," he said.

While the latest findings, the researchers did not notice any changes in hormone levels gheriln (which increases appetite) on the sleep-deprived participants. Whereas some previous studies showed that sleep deprivation can lead to higher levels of the hormone ghrelin and leptin are lower.

Related to these findings, Fonseca said, researchers need to find out if there is a solution to prevent the increased risk of diabetes in addition to sleep more.

"The reality is that many people who sleep less because they work. We need to identify if there is anything else they can do to fix it," he said.

Beware, Dental X-rays Can Trigger Brain Tumor

Dental X-rays Can Trigger Brain Tumor | For those of you who frequent dental check using x-ray, should be wary. A recent study in the United States, published on 10 April 2012 in 'journal Cancer' indicates, they often undergo X-rays of the teeth have a greater risk of tumors in the head commonly called a meningioma cancer.

These tumors grow on the inner lining of the skull. Most growing slowly, but they can cause problems and can even be deadly, if it begins to put pressure on the brain.

In his study, scholars from Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut, and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Mass., make the observation of two methods of radiation (x-ray) is called a "bitewing" and Panorex.

The research involved nearly 3,000 adults aged 20-79 years, about half (1433 people) among those diagnosed with tomor. Researchers found that patients often undergo radiation x-ray or dental X-rays in the area associated with a higher risk of developing cancer.

Specifically, patients who have had a Panorex checks once a year or more, have a risk 2.7 to 3 times greater meningoma cancer, depending on age, rather than people who have never done this x-ray. While participants who had X-rays "bitewing" at least annually, the risk is 1.4 to 1.9 times greater with meningioma cancer.

Meningioma is a tumor of the membranes that cover the brain, which is more common in women than men, especially in the age of 50-60 years. But, most meningiomas are benign.

Study author Dr. Elizabeth Claus, said although the patients with dental problems currently getting a lower radiation exposure than in the past, but the researchers asked the dentist and patient to consider when and why it is necessary X-rays.

"I hope this research will help to raise awareness about the optimal use of dental x-rays," he said.

Guidelines from American Dental Association says, kids can get a one-time exposure every 1 or 2 years; for teenagers once in the period from 1.5 to 3 years, while adults can get the exposure once in three years 2-3.

Meanwhile, Michael Schulder, vice chairman of the department of neurosurgery of Cushing Neuroscience Institute, is not surprised by these findings.

"The possibility of tumor in patients undergoing dental radiation is low. However, dentists and patients should consider again that too much radiation each year, unless there are symptoms in dental patients who really need radiation," he concluded.


6 Causes of irregular menstruation | Every woman who enters adolescence and puberty, certain periods. The average menstrual cycle occurs approximately 28 days. Although it is generally accepted, but not all women have the same menstrual cycle, sometimes cycle occurs every 21 days to 30 days.

But, what about women who also have menstruation but not regular? Dr. Madhu Goel, Consultant The content of Rockland Hospital, New Delhi said, there are some things to know about irregular menstrual periods, as quoted Healthmeup following:

1. Understanding irregular periods

The menstrual cycle usually occurs on a regular basis. The duration of bleeding can vary from 2 to 7 days with an interval between two cycles (the time between the first period and subsequent periods) about 28 days. The average blood loss was approximately 60-100ml. So, if there is deviation from the above can be considered your menstrual abnormalities.

2. Pregnancy

The most common reason of an irregular menstrual cycle in reproductive age group, usually associated with pregnancy. If you've missed menstrual period, pregnancy test becomes a necessity. Sometimes pregnancy can also occur in patients with perimenopausal (near menopause). Meanwhile, if bleeding exceeded the time limit, could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus).

3. perimenopausal

Irregular cycles also occur in the perimenopausal period. Some changes in this cycle is usually acceptable, and does not require treatment, while severe bleeding requires further evaluation. Bleeding after reaching menopause is an abnormal and should be investigated.

4. contraception

Various forms of contraception can also result in your menstrual cycle is irregular. The use of birth control pills can also cause bleeding just a little, or even result in heavy bleeding. Injection for postpartum contraception, also can cause menstrual irregularities.

5. weight loss

Significant weight gain or weight loss can also cause irregular cycles. Significant weight gain may indicate a thyroid disorder. Thyroid disorders are very common in women and can cause weight gain, irregular cycles, fatigue and others. Excessive weight can also indicate the occurrence of polycystic ovarian disease is a hormonal problem and may require treatment.

Excess weight can also be indicative of systemic conditions such as cancer problems and tuberculosis. Weight gain or weight loss may indicate an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

6. Emotional stress

Such as severe emotional stress, job loss, losing closest people can also cause irregular bleeding.

6 Reason Difficult to Get Life Partner

6 Reason Difficult to Get Life Partner | The real, marriage is a huge benefit. But in reality all around us there are few men or women who are reluctant or afraid to get married.

Some are anxious to get married but not easy to find his/her friend. While others may have a plan or other conditions that made ​​them decide not to marry.

There are many variations of answers when asked, "why not marry?" As described above. Some people choose better late than hasty but wrong.

There are six common reasons why it's hard to find a life partner. Of course this view is limited.

1. Too idealistic. Usually this is because of the influence that parents have high expectations on their son or daughter. For example, parents require their children to marry a spouse of the tribes. There is also asking his son married the daughter of the same family social status, and others. But unfortunately, the child does not have enough skills to get along. Interaction is limited, so he had trouble getting a girlfriend's parents as expected.

2. Because the concept and poor self-esteem (inferior). They are usually insecure judgmental and blame themselves. For example, "I was stupid, which one wants me." Or blame yourself and say, "Ah, how could he want with me that this poor." Another person said to himself, "Ah, I do not deserve to be his girlfriend." These feelings of inferiority make friends do not feel comfortable hanging out with you.

3. The rebellious spirit. Such an attitude is formed because the person sees his parents' marriage "sick". She watched her mother suffer for the act of the father, the abusive and selfish. As a result, she felt that marriage was not a pleasant thing.

4. Because it has a personality of "anti-social". Usually young people are very experienced childhood abuse from his father. Eventually he grew up as a rough guy, likes to insult people (like his father). As a result, many are reluctant daughter's close friend or friends.

5. Because it is less fashionable, both in dress and others. Sometimes required the use of perfumes, especially if you have a problem with body odor. About clothes and do not necessarily have to be expensive relative. But comfortable when seen and not ancient, but still polite.

6. There also are difficult to get a girlfriend and a mate, for being too passive resignation alias. Just hoping, waiting for the Lord will send. Pray but no effort. Of course this is not possible. To get your spouse should try to get along as well as creative as possible to choose a friend.

Junk Food Damage The Brain

Junk Food Damage The Brain | Experts in the United States again warned of the dangers a regular habit to eat junk food.

According to recent research, foods with high fat content, but the nutritional value of zero can damage cells in the brain that controls body weight and obesity lead to cycles. These findings also explain why people who are overweight are so difficult to lose weight.

In his research, experts from the University of Washington gave the rats in the laboratory with the type of food which they call "high-fat diet of the American people". Only three days later, the rats are getting greedy and increase calorie intake until doubled.

Further examination showed that these mice also experience inflammation or inflammation of hypothalamus, the brain consists of nerve cells that control body weight. Inflammation was stopped within a few days, but then "relapsed" after four weeks later.

Dr. Joshua Thaler, expert and researcher of Diabetes and Obesity Center of Excellence at the University of Washington in Seattle, said the experts also detect the presence of a brain injury recovery response called gliosis.

"Gliosis considered together with the recovery of injuries to the brain, and specifically looks at the conditions of nerve injury, such as stroke and multiple sclerosis. We speculate that gliosis that we might see as a protective response that failed. We also detected a significant damage and loss of cell nerve cells are important in controlling weight, "said Thaler, who presented his research at the annual meeting of The Endocrine Society's for-93 in Boston.

He added that possibility of injury in rat brain is a consequence of excessive consumption of junk food and this fact gives an explanation of why losing weight becomes very difficult for most of them are obese.

Consumption Fast food Trigger Depression

Consumption Fast food Trigger Depression | Recent research by scientists from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and University of Granada Spain, indicating a link between consumption of baked goods (cookies, donuts, cup cakes, croissants) and fast food (hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza) the risk of suffering from depression.

As published in journal Public Health Nutrition, study revealed that those who frequently eat fast food, 51 percent more likely to experience depression than those who ate little or none at all.

Next, the researchers also examined relationships between dose and response. In other words this means that "the more you eat fast food, greater risk for developing depression," said Almudena Sánchez-Villegas, principal investigator of the study.

The study showed that individuals who ate fast food and eating most baked goods are more likely to live alone, less active and have poor dietary habits, including eating less fruit, nuts, fish, vegetables and olive oil.

A long-term study

The relationship between consumption of baked goods with depression is also not much different. "Even eating small portions associated with a significantly higher chance of experiencing depression," said researchers from the university Canary Islands.

In his study, researchers involved about 8964 participants who had never been diagnosed with depression or taking antidepressants. Each participant was observed for an average of six months, and 493 were diagnosed with depression or start consuming antidepressants.

The results showed that there were 657 new cases of depression of 12 059 people were analyzed for more than six months. Increased risk of depression by 42 percent was found in participants who consumed fast food.

Sánchez-Villegas concluded that "although more research is needed, the type of food intake must be controlled because it has an impact on health (obesity, cardiovascular disease) and mental."

Depression affects 121 million people around the world. This figure has been one of the major causes of disability worldwide. Furthermore, in countries with low income and middle-depression a major cause of disability.

Obesity Increases Risk Kidney Cancer

Obesity Increases Risk Kidney Cancer | The result of cancer studies center in England show, Obesity increase the risk of kidney cancer until 70 %. Let's compare by smoke that increase the risk of kidney cancer as big as 50 percent.

The causes, obesity trigger hormonal increases that can increase the cancer risk. The England cancer studies center estimate 25 percent cases of kidney cancer in man and 22 percent of kidney cancer in woman causes by fat.

The number of cases of kidney cancer in England in 1975 only 2300 cases increased to 9,000 cases in 2009. Over the last 35 years, obesity rates rose 70 percent in men and 60 percent of women in that country.

According to Director of Information Center for Cancer Studies Sara Hiom to the BBC, Friday (30/3), obesity is also a risk factor for some cancers, like breast cancer, colon, and cervical cancer. Kidney cancer now ranks eighth most common cancer society. The presence of blood in the urine can be used as the initial sign. If detected early, kidney cancer can be cured with surgery.

Kidney cancer expert, who is also professor at the University of Cambridge, England, Tim Eisen, say, 10 years, the Center for Cancer Studies to develop new drugs that damage blood flow to the kidney cancer. However, these drugs only help control the disease, not cure.

5 Reasons The Importance of Eating Eggs

Importance of Eating Eggs | Egg is perfect foods that easy to consume by every one. Egg have many health benefits contain, So in this post "world health medicine" want to write about egg benefit for health, we can eat egg when breakfast, dinner or other times. Here are 5 reason why we must choose the egg as our food.

5 Reason Important of Eating Egg

1. Heart Health
Consume many egg can promote our heart health, the bad effect in egg just yolk, According to the American Heart Association (AHA), one large egg yolk has about 186 milligrams (mg) of cholesterol and the number was sufficient to satisfy one's cholesterol intake (which according to the recommendation to 300 mg per day).

2. Lose weight

Eggs are an excellent snack for anyone who wants to lose weight. A boiled egg can be a satisfying snack. You can also add a handful of fresh spinach as a running mate. Keep in mind, the egg white has only 15 calories per egg. No saturated fat and cholesterol content in egg white, so it is good for you who want to lose weight.

3. Foods rich in nutrients
Besides that, eggs also provide many essential nutrients, including vitamin A, iron and minerals, phosphorus, zinc, and DHA, which is key to brain health.

4. Healthy ways to eat eggs

Boil an egg or cook without using oil or butter is the best way to cook eggs for a low calorie content. Eggs can be an option for a healthy lunch and snacks in the evening.

5. Raw eggs, Is it safe?

All types of raw eggs, organic eggs can even carry the risk of illness from salmonella bacteria. Historically, eating raw foods, felt that: a fried egg to make the nutrients in the egg is lost. But in fact such an assumption is not correct.

Implementing a Healthy Lifestyle

Implementing a Healthy Lifestyle | Did you know what is healthy lifestyle? Surely our minds wander and directly perceive the meaning of the word. Most humans are generally argue that: a healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle that makes us healthier and away from the name of disease.

So how did healthy lifestyle it? Surely a healthy lifestyle is a step to make small changes that lead to basics of healthy living. For example: from maintaining a healthy weight, eating fruits and vegetables as an addition to the body of fiber, drinking enough water, exercise regularly and sustainably, maintain and live a clean lifestyle, and much more, for example, follow a healthy lifestyle of the Prophet.

The most fundamental problem that we often encounter in our society, so it generally makes us far from a healthy lifestyle, one of which is: lack of activity or sports body. The thing that makes sports so less general, because we feel overwhelmed and lack of enjoyment of the sport, and was very time-consuming. While many are still less awareness of the importance of exercise.

To be more motivated in the spirit and healthy lifestyle, it is useful to know the benefits of healthy living below:

1. Can reduce stress
2. Reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke
3. Reduce the risk of diabetes
4. Improve the stability of the body
5. Maintain bone mass
6. preventing osteoporosis
7. Increase the brain's memory in older people
8. Increase and keep the mood of anxiety and depression

Well, that's some of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and many other benefits.

Several studies have found that by losing weight as much as 10% can help people with obesity (overweight) lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. You can Begin healthy life by losing weight as much as 10%. However. If the diet is enough incriminating then my friend can start with little things that a healthy lifestyle.

Fish, Good for Heart and Pregnancy

Fish, Good for Heart and Pregnancy | The fish was not only consumed as a tasty side dish. The team of researchers from Harvard University (USA) led by Dr. Albert, has developed a measurement of the risk of heart disease based on the level of Omega-3 acids derived from fish oil.

The result, low omega-3 acids in the blood will make possible increased risk of heart disease. It's no secret that eating oily fish containing omega-3 would protect the heart and reduce the risk of heart attack. Although the process is unknown, but in fact the omega-3 acids are able to stabilize the blood flow in the heart.

Dr. Albert explained by checking the level of omega-3 is sufficient for a doctor to warn and give relief to the patient of the risk of heart attacks and sudden death due to heart. "If the blood omega-3 less than 4% in their blood cells, the risk of heart attack deaths would be higher. While the level of 8% would have the least risk."

The research of Dr. Albert was taken by Dr Ray Rice of The International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and lipids. "Dr. Albert gave a result that opens the possibility of the easiest to identified whether a person runs the risk of death from heart attack. Ease is located in the omega-3 levels rise."

While Belinda Linden of the British Heart Foundation said the research of Dr. Albert further clarify the benefits of fish consumption that contain lots of omega-3 acids. "Comments Dr Albert is clearly supporting the fish consumption is very high in omega-3 as a protection from heart disease. Because omega-3 levels in the blood will be directly visible when eating fish."

Belinda also said that in addition to the research of Dr. Albert also help physicians to provide solutions for patients. "7 out of 10 Britons still not eating enough fish. With a balanced diet of fish, fruit and vegetables will make a heart attack can be reduced."

In the UK, heart disease is the number one killer disease. Previous studies mentioned by consuming fish oil from salmon or tuna twice a week will protect a person from a heart attack. Because omega-3 can stabilize the heart rhythm in which the oil can withstand excessive sodium and calcium on the heart.

Fish and Pregnancy

In addition, fish consumption during pregnancy can improve fetal growth. This was stated by 'Dr Imoegen Roger' from the University of Bristol in England after doing research on the 11 550 pregnant women. He found that by eating fish during the 32 weeks of pregnancy will accelerate the growth of the fetus.

"Our results further support previous studies that consumption of fish or omega three acids during pregnancy will increase the average growth of the fetus."

Fish is known as a producer, and rich in omega-3 acids, which is very essential in the growth of cell function. Omega three acids obtained from fish in addition, can also be obtained from canola oil, flaxseed oil and nuts. The object of research, the team asked about how much they do fish consumption during pregnancy.

After questions were raised, then the research team calculated the amount of omega-3 acids are expected to be consumed by pregnant mothers were. The average pregnant women who consumed 33 grams of fish or equal to three-quarters of tuna fish a day would be about 0.15 grams obtain omega-3 acids.

The more fish consumed will increasingly make the higher fetal weight. Dr. Imogen Rogers added that although the consumption of fish does not give any impact on length of pregnancy, but that certainly could accelerate the growth of the fetus while omega-3 acid was obtained from supplements.

Source: Indonesiaindonesia.com

Mediterranean Diet Good for Heart

Mediterranean Diet Good for Heart | Want to far from heart disease? it could not hurt to try the Mediterranean diet. A mention of the other research done Mediterranean-style diet for three months can reduce the risk of heart disease by 15 percent.

The study, headed by Dr. Denis Lairon of the Faculty of Medicine Timone, Marseille, France said that the Mediterranean diet consists of the consumption of foods rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and olive oil and red meat in moderation can help reduce the risk of heart attack.

The results are recorded in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition examined the 212 respondents who rated men and women at risk of heart attack or a Mediterranean diet to choose low-fat diet for three months.

Mediterranean diet participants were instructed to eat fish four times a week and red meat once a week. Men are allowed to drink two glasses of red wine every day but only one glass for women.

Meanwhile, for the low-fat dieters are encouraged to eat meat from poultry products and stay away from pork, beef or other mammals, eat fish two or three times a week, away from animal products in saturated fat, eating vegetables and fruit, low fat dairy products and vegetable oils.

The researchers also found that eating habits are very influential in the two groups. All participants consumed fewer calories and more protein and carbohydrates, less fat and saturated fat consumption. Both groups showed significant results for the decrease in body mass index.

Meanwhile, participants who did the Mediterranean diet, noting positive results, with total cholesterol was down to 7.5 percent, 4.5 percent lower than the low-fat dieters. Based on this reduction, the researchers also noted the Mediterranean dieters experiencing heart disease risk reduction down to 15 percent low-fat dieters while only 9 percent.

source: Indonesiaindonesia.com

White Water Good For Heart Health

White Water Good For Heart Health | Want to lower the risk of heart disease? Drink only water. Perhaps the phrase is fairly simple, but that the results of a study conducted by researchers from Loma Linda University in California.

The research suggests people who drink at least five glasses of water per day more often died from a heart attack than those who drank less than two glasses of water each day.

Conversely those who consume beverages other than water are at risk of dying from heart attacks than those who drank less.

This analysis is based on a study involving 8280 men and 12 017 women aged 38 years. Six-year study led by Jacqueline Chan, DrPH and colleagues Synnove Knutsen, MD, PhD, noted the incidence and progression of coronary heart disease. Of these 246 respondents died of heart disease.

The study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology is to mention the risk of heart attack in more than respondents who drank 5 cups per day reduced to 41 percent. While the risk of the condition in men who consumed other beverages including tea, coffee, juice, milk and alcohol remain at high risk of heart attack.

Chan said that drinking water will be absorbed into the bloodstream, it can decrease the thickness of blood vessels, so the risk of heart attack that triggered the blood clot would be reduced.

Instead other beverages will thicken the blood vessels, the article after it is digested material will contain the same concentration in blood.

Unlike the case with aspirin and alcohol can reduce the risk of heart attack but with other health problems, while the water is quite cheap, easily available and not harmful.

Common Signs of Heart Attack

Common Signs of Heart Attack | Heart attacks strike without warning. Can now sleep, work, or even exercising. Unpredictable, if the slender, more secure than a heart attack compared to the obese. Indeed, obese people have the potential of having a heart attack is greater than their ideal body.

Cause of a heart attack can be various. Cholesterol blockage in the coronary arteries is often the case that is often found. High blood pressure also trigger this problem. So, pay attention to cholesterol levels and keep blood pressure to be some prevention of heart problems. In addition, need to maintain themselves when under stress.

If you want to know how healthy it is necessary to condition the heart of a series of tests. For example, stress test, lipid profile, annual check-up, ECG, blood sugar, until the treadmill. This test can see how far your heart strong and predict the potential of having a heart attack.

Sometimes a heart attack show certain signs. If you find these signs in your body, immediately contact your local health care providers to check your heart.

Here are Common Signs of Heart Attack

1. Chest discomfort. Heart attacks are usually marked feelings of "difference" in the chest. Especially in the middle of the chest, discomfort that can occur a few minutes. Guess it could go, or even back again. This is a common sign.

2. Discomfort in your upper body. Discomfort also spread to other body parts. For example, in one or both arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach. May also feel pain in it.

3. Shortness of breath. This tightness may occur with chest discomfort accompanied or not.

4. Another sign appeared in the form of a cold sweat, nausea, or dizziness.

Source: sidomi

Tips Maintain Eye Health For Worker in Computers

Tips Maintain Eye Health | Currently, more work is needed in processing computerized data. For workers who must be in front of the computer for more than 12 hours per day, the risk of impaired eye health is huge.

Eye problems such as red eye, irritation, eye swelling, watery eyes, dizziness, often plagued these workers. Meanwhile, to stay away from the computer, it is not possible because of its vital computer for their work.

Here are tips to maintain healthy eyes, for people who have to deal with a computer screen for long periods.

1. Arrange work space as comfortable as possible

Room lighting should not make your eyes glare, because light from the computer screen itself is dazzling. Place the monitor slightly below eye horizontal direction. Do not be too high, nor too low so that the neck does not need to be looking down or up.

2. Break in the middle of the work

Every half hour or 1 hour once, stand up and rest your eyes. Looking at an object at a short distance away is the focus for a while will help relax the eye again. If necessary, you can also walk around the room so as not to be too stiff.

3. palming

Palming is one of the yoga techniques that function refreshing sight and relax your nerves. The trick, rub your palms together until warm, then put on the eye for at least 30 seconds.

4. frequent blinking

While I was concentrating on looking at things, including the monitor, people often forget to blink. This makes the eyes dry, irritated and red.

5. Use eye drops

To re-freshen the dry and irritated eyes, you can use eye drops. Because if left alone without care, then the eye can be more severe condition.

Source: sidomi.com

8 Ways to Maintain Eye Health

8 Ways to Maintain Eye Health | Eyes are a very valuable asset to us. Maintain Eye Health should be done by computer users every day. Well who do not know how How to Maintain Eye Health, in this article I will share 8 ways to Maintain Eye Health.

Rather than linger to discuss that do not need, here are 8 ways to keep eyes healthy:

1. Check your eyes every 12 months.

Untreated vision problems will grow worse, and wearing contact lenses or glasses are no longer suitable for you can cause vision problems and headaches.

2. In summer, wear glasses.

UV rays can create serious damage to eyes. Good sunglasses can prevent this. When buying sunglasses, make sure to reflect at least 98% of UV radiation.

3. Eat good nutrition for you and your eyes.

Recent studies show that vitamin and antioxidant group can prevent, or at least slow the growth of cataracts and macular degeneration. Good nutrition for the body is also good for the eyes.

4. If you are reading or working on a computer, make sure the light is right.

Working with low light can cause eyestrain, but light is too bright nor good. Direction of light works best when using a computer is of a soft light table lamp from the side. Reduce levels of light (brightness) monitor. The color is so not too sharp, but the eyes will be more comfortable.

5. Rest your eyes.

Almost all people feel their eyes are not so comfortable after sitting all day in front of a computer screen. This is due to eye blinks 25% less than normal, which causes the eyes to become dry. One thing you can do is close your eyes and count to 5 before opening it again. Another was turned away from the screen and focus on a distant object, as often as possible.

6. Find a contact lens in good quality.

Not all contact lenses are the same. There are safe for your eyes, and there is also a risk of damaging eye. Know what modern contact lens industry has to offer will help to make wise choices, not simply follow what the doctor said.

7. If you wear contact lenses, treat it well.

Contact lenses are not so troublesome, but you also can not ignore it clean. Every time you use or release your contact lenses, rinse. You also have to replace the fluid, when you put in place when you sleep at night.

8. Wear contact lenses according to the recommended schedule.

There are people who intend to save by wearing contact lenses for longer than intended. It's not a good thing. Although the lens will not be reduced-quality, protein stack can obscure your vision. Another thing to consider is, the longer you wear your contact lenses, the higher your risk of eye infection.

Enjoy useful articles, :)

Beware, 7 Disease When Flooding

Beware, 7 The disease When Flooding | Ministry of Health, particularly the Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health (PP & PL), again reminding the public of the threat of infectious diseases during the flood season.

Through electronic messages to Kompas.com, Wednesday (04/04/2012), Director General of PP and PL Prof. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama said it also reminded the whole range of health care in the area and the technical implementation unit (UPT) P2PL DG-related issues availability of logistics, personnel preparedness enhanced surveillance for mapping vulnerable areas, and improved coordination, both across programs and across sectors.

In addition, P2PL also will alert the rapid response team at every level, to take immediate action when the discovery of a potential threat to the possibility of an increase in infectious diseases.

Tjandra explained, there are some infectious diseases to watch out for the public in relation to flooding and anticipation as the following steps:

1. Diarrhea. Diarrhea disease is closely associated with individual hygiene (personal hygiene). In the rainy season with high rainfall, the potential for increased flooding. At the time of flooding, sources of public drinking water, especially drinking water from shallow wells, will also corrupted. In addition, at the time of the flood evacuation would normally occur with limited facilities and the facilities department, including the availability of clean water. It all becomes a potential cause of diarrheal disease with rapid transmission.

Anticipations: the public are reminded to remain vigilant and avoid the attack of diarrheal diseases in a way, first, get used to washing hands with soap every time they eat or drink and after defecating. Second, get used to boil drinking water to the boil every day. Third, keep the environment clean, avoid piles of garbage in your neighborhood. fourth, contact the nearest health worker immediately if any symptoms of diarrhea.

2. Dengue fever. During the rainy season, usually there will be increased brood where Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is mosquito-borne dengue fever. This is because during the rainy season, much like the garbage cans, old tires, and certain places and there is a pool filled with water for some time. Puddle of water that eventually becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes. With the increasing population of mosquitoes as transmitters of disease, the risk of infection also increased.

Anticipations: The community actively participating with the movement of 3 M, which buried the cans, drain the water reservoirs on a regular basis, and close the water storage in the meeting. In addition, the community is expected soon to bring family members to the health facility when one is ill with symptoms of high fever for no apparent reason, accompanied by signs of bleeding.

3. Leptospirosis disease. Leptospirosis disease is caused by bacteria called leptospires. This disease is one of zoonotic diseases transmitted by animals or for animals. In Indonesia, the animal is a rat-borne primarily through the feces and urine. In the rainy season, especially during floods, the rats that live in burrows of land will come out to save themselves. Mice will be hanging around human excrement and urine that mixes with water flooding. Someone who has a wound, then play or submerged in flood water that was mixed with feces or urine of mice that contain bacteria lepstopira, potentially infected and falling ill.

Anticipations: To avoid the onset of the disease leptospirosis, people are encouraged to perform anticipatory measures as follows: First, suppress the population and avoid the rats that roam the neighborhood, to always maintain the cleanliness. Second, avoid playing in the water during a flood, especially if you have injuries. Third, use protection, such as shoes, when forced to enter flooded areas. Fourth, immediately go to health facilities when sick have sudden symptoms of fever, headache, and chills.

4. Acute respiratory infections (ARI). The cause of ARI may baerupa bacteria, viruses, and various other microbes. The main symptoms can be btuk and fever. If severe, it may or may be accompanied by shortness of breath, chest pain, and others.

Handling: Rest, symptomatic treatment according to symptoms, and may be required to address the causes of causal treatment; increase endurance, and prevent transmission to the people around (eg by covering your mouth when you cough, do not spit at random). Factors such as the gathering of many people in flood-shelter also play a role in transmission of respiratory infection.

5. Skin diseases. Skin diseases can be infectious, allergic, or other forms. If the flood season comes, then the main problem is that good hygiene is not maintained. As well as the ISPA, gathering a lot of people also play a role in transmission of skin infections.

6. Other gastrointestinal diseases such as typhoid fever. In this case, food hygiene factors play an important role.

7. Worsening of chronic diseases that may indeed have suffered. This happens because the lower resistance due to a prolonged rainy season, especially when flooding for days.

Tjandra also recalls that people always maintain a clean healthy living behaviors (PHBs), eat a good, clean, adequate rest, and always do the hand washing with soap (CTPS). Instead, make CTPS while before eating, before preparing food, after defecation, after cleaning a child, and after being a dirty environment and animal environment.

Source: kompas.com

What Causes Coughing Up to 2 Months?

What Causes Coughing Up to 2 Months | From the key clue, 'cough up to 2 months recovering', it is certain that you are suffering from a chronic cough disease.

Causes Coughing Up to 2 Months

Chronic cough is likely to be caused by:
1. Postnasal-drip syndrome from nose and sinus conditions in the nose
2. asthma
3. Gastroesophageal reflux disease
4. Tuberculosis (TB)
5. Chronic bronchitis due to cigarette smoking or due to other irritants
6. bronchiectasis
7. eosinophilic bronchitis
8. The use of drugs known as angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor
9. Bronchial cancer (bronchogenic carcinoma)
10. Carcinomatosis
11. sarcoidosis
12. Failing left heart chamber (left ventricular failure)
13. Aspirations for pharyngeal dysfunction
14. tracheobronchial collapse
15. Lung cancer
16. Infection of the lungs
17. Cough that is affected by the work environment (occupational environment-induced cough)
18. The spread of breast cancer (metastatic breast carcinomatosis)
19. Interstitial lung disease
20. hyperthyroidism
21. carcinoid tumor
22. Hodgkin's disease
23. Zenker's diverticulum
24. Habit cough or psychogenic

Some things you can do include:
1. Enhance spirituality, living with a heart full of gratitude and sincere
2. Boost the immune system, pattern and balanced nutrition
3. Avoid stress, laughter therapy, music therapy (at least 30 minutes every day)
4. Avoiding irritants, allergens, and certain drugs
5. Diet and lifestyle modification
6. Avoid / stop smoking (when smoking)
7. Live healthy, harmonious and balanced
8. Check to a family doctor or lung specialist or a medical specialist in the nearest
9. Examination / laboratory tests on the indication and the corresponding doctor's instructions, such as: sinus radiograph, chest radiograph (chest radiograph), barium swallow, and bronchodilator spirometry, methacholine inhalation challenge, bronchoscopy, pH probe.

Thus our explanation, may be useful.

Estrogen Levels Can Help Detect Lung Cancer

Estrogen Levels Can Help Detect Lung Cancer | Researchers have long known that tobacco smoke is a cause of lung cancer number one. However, recent findings show that estrogen may also play a role on disease.

This is not the first type of cancer associated with estrogen because this hormone is also known to increase breast cancer and other gynecological cancers.

The new research was presented at the Annual Meeting 'AACR 2012' by the scientists at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia.

If estrogen levels are high, may indicate that the person is more vulnerable to lung cancer or have a worse prognosis.

"We are confident that levels of toxic metabolites of estrogen can later be useful in predicting risk or prognosis lung cancer in a person," said the researcher.

To investigate, Jing Peng, a partner in the laboratory Margie L. Clapper, PhD, examined the lungs healthy mice and found that the lung contains high levels of estrogen metabolites are known as 4-hydroxy estrogen (4-Ohe) and are carcinogenic.

Specifically, 4-Ohe help enable the process to enhance cell growth and generates free radicals that can damage cells.

When researchers expose tobacco smoke for 8 weeks in mice, researchers found that levels of 4-Ohe have increased.

"We believe that these estrogen metabolites can damage cells and contribute to lung cancer," Clapper said as quoted by Science Daily, Wednesday (04/04/2012).

Female mice have a number of 4-Ohe doubled in the lungs, compared with control male rats after estrogen levels in total performed. However, whether this condition will also occur in humans remains to be investigated.

"When lung cancer is more common for women, the number of passive smokers or non-smoker who developed lung cancer actually occurs more frequently men than women," said Clapper.

In the future, Peng and Clapper hope these results will help researchers develop new therapies that target the estrogen metabolism as a way to treat or prevent lung cancer. [detik.com]