Prevent Stroke with Citrus Fruit

Prevent Stroke with Citrus Fruit - Recent research shows that eating citrus fruit regularly can help reduce the risk of stroke. For this study, researchers focused on compounds called flavanone, which is found in citrus fruits.

"These data provide strong support for eating more fruit juice as a daily consumption to reduce the risk of ischemic stroke," says study leader Aedin Cassidy, head of the nutrition of Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, England.

There is a possibility that flavanone in citrus fruits improve blood vessel function or reduce inflammation, which has been associated with stroke, the researchers said.

Cassidy said, to gain maximum benefit from the flavanone, fruits should be presented in the form of juice and no added sugar.

The study was published online on February 23, 2012 in the journal Stroke, whose research is funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

Flavanones is a type of flavonoid which has been known for its ability to suppress the incidence of stroke risk is lower. In addition to fruits and vegetables, flavonoids are also found in red wine and dark chocolate.

For this study, the researchers focused on the six subclasses of flavonoids, including flavanone.

In the study researchers evaluated data from the U.S. Nurses Health Study for 14 years. The study involved nearly 70,000 women, who each reported their food intake every four years and include details about the consumption of fruits and vegetables. At the end of the study note that there are about 1803 cases of stroke occurring. Approximately half had ischemic stroke (blockage of blood vessels).

Researchers said the number of flavonoid intake did not reduce the risk of stroke, but flavanone intake may reduce the risk of stroke. Women who earn more flavanone intake have an increased risk 19 percent lower risk of ischemic stroke than those who eat them in small amounts.

The researchers found that 95 percent of consumption flavanone derived from citrus fruits and juices, especially orange and grapefruit juice. Participants who ate the fruit or orange juice at most, the risk of stroke was reduced by 10 percent.

Women who received the lowest intake of flavanone on average consume about 150 milligrams of flavonoids per day or less. While those who earn large amounts of flavanone intake consumed about 470 milligrams a day.

8 Fertility Boosting Foods for Women

8 Fertility Boosting Foods for Women - When a couple decides that they are ready to become parents, they often apply a change in lifestyle to improve health and help prepare for parenthood.

One of the biggest changes that women do to prepare for pregnancy is turning into a healthy diet. Eating healthy may not be enough for couples having difficulty conceiving. There are some foods that are very specific and has been associated with an increased likelihood of fertility.

Below are 8 Fertility Boosting Foods for Women

1. Milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream

Calcium is an essential nutrient for women in all stages of life, including pregnancy. Most pregnant women understand the importance of getting enough calcium to support the baby's bone development, as well as the supply of calcium to maintain its own body. Calcium is also important during the preconception phase to help increase fertility. Increase intake of calcium from dairy sources of fat-rich foods, like milk, yogurt, ice cream and cheese, not only will help to strengthen bones. But in fact also helps the reproductive system to function more efficiently.

The reason of relationship between milk and increasing fertility are not yet understood. But scientists have conducted many studies on the subject, all of which lead to the benefits of high calcium intake on reproductive health. Women who become pregnant should try to meet about 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day, equivalent to about 8 ounce glasses of milk.

2. Complex carbohydrates

In recent years, carbohydrates have got a bad seal. Many people avoid carbohydrates with a reason can make a large waist circumference. Some women who are trying to conceive, mistaken if they think that should avoid carbohydrates to maintain their weight. Not all carbohydrates are created equal.

Complex carbohydrates such as grains, are not only healthy, but it can help improve fertility, unlike carbohydrates found in processed bread and white rice. When you eat refined carbohydrates, the blood sugar and insulin levels to rise. This can disrupt the hormones responsible for reproduction, which can delay or prevent fertilization.

3. Brightly colored fruits and vegetables

It's no secret that fruits and vegetables are an important source of nutrition for men and women. Beside rich in vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients, fresh fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals that help eliminate free radicals. When free radicals accumulate in the body, they can cause a large number of health problems, including disorders of the reproductive hormone. Even fruits and vegetables can also eliminate toxins that can interfere with conception.

When choosing fruits and vegetables, fill your plate with bright fruit colors as much as possible. As a general rule, the stronger the color, the more the nutritional content of fruits or vegetables. Berries are very nutritious fruit. These foods help protect your cells from damage and prevent cell aging. The fruit is not only affecting your body, but also eggs in the reproductive tract. Stay away from all kinds of canned fruits and vegetables that have very little nutritional value and full of preservatives and artificial sweeteners.

4. Chicken

Consumption of chicken meat is very important because these foods are high in protein and iron, which is very important for women who are trying to conceive. Iron and protein are very important for women before and during pregnancy. Although the iron and protein can be found also in non-animal products, but no significant association between animal protein and increase fertility. Research shows that women are iron deficient are more likely to suffer infertility than those who need adequate iron substance.

This does not mean that all of your protein should come from animal meat without fat, but aim for at least one serving per day. Be sure to select chickens that are processed by techniques such as grilling healthy, and avoiding the chicken-fried or high in fat.

5. Eggs

Many people are surprised to learn that the egg is a powerful super foods that can dramatically improve reproductive health. Eggs are rich in vitamins and essential nutrients such as protein and choline. Choline intake is needed before and during pregnancy because it increases the body's ability to absorb folic acid. Folic acid is essential during the preconception and early pregnancy to prevent neural birth defects such as spina bifida. Eating just one egg a day can raise levels of choline are sufficient to increase the absorption of folic acid twice.

6. Green leafy vegetables

Besides all the antioxidants found in green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale, vegetables are also rich in iron. Iron is essential to maintain a balanced menstrual cycle, because a lot of iron-deficient women tend to have irregular periods. When women experience disturbances in their menstrual cycle, they tend to be pregnant. By incorporating green leafy vegetables into your diet every day, you can increase your iron levels significantly in just one month.

7. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and grains digest more slowly in the body, which helps regulate insulin levels and increases ovulation. In addition, nuts and seeds also contain omega-3 fatty acids, essential fatty acids that have a direct effect on hormone levels. Nuts and seeds are also very high in antioxidants. In addition to eliminating free radicals, antioxidants help to boost the immune system and reduce the chances of a woman's body from attacking the male sperm.

8. Olive oil

As mentioned above, Omega-3 is believed to have a profound effect on increasing fertility. Omega-3 is usually found in olive oil. Studies show that Omega 3 can actually improve the quality of either sperm or egg cell, thus becoming an important part of the fertility diet for both men and women who are trying to conceive.

Heart Attack Symptoms in Women are Different

Heart Attack Symptoms in Women are Different | Chest pain is one of the great heart attack symptom is the most popular. But apparently the symptoms were only experienced by men only. Heart attack symptoms in women are different.

In a study of more than one million women aged less than 55 years found that 42 percent of respondents who ever had a heart attack have no symptoms of chest pain. Meanwhile, the group of men, only 30 percent who do not feel chest pain.

In general, the incidence of heart attacks in women are much less than in men. But the heart attack suffered by women younger than 55 years can be fatal. About 14 percent of women die from the disease at that age.

Research conducted by collecting data from 1,000 hospitals, found the typical symptoms of a heart attack in women. Symptoms include discomfort in the chest, pain spreading to the back, abdomen or arms, and feeling dizzy head.

Cathy Ross, cardiac disease nurse from the British Heart Foundation, said the young woman who suffered heart attacks relatively rare. "Heart attacks are not always dramatic, different symptoms in each person. There is a severe chest pain, but there is also a sense of mild pain," he said.

Therefore, patients often choose to defer to the doctor because it is not considered an emergency condition. In fact, according to Ross, the handling is faster it will increase the chances of recovery.

Although the death rate from heart attacks are now increasingly be suppressed, but health workers and patients should be aware that women can also have a heart attack while not feel chest pain.

This Pregnancy Cravings Eat Newspapers

This Pregnancy Cravings Eat Newspapers - Cravings is one thing that experienced by many pregnant women. Usually they want something that had never desired before pregnancy.

Pregnant women from Dendee, England named Ann Curran was also felt cravings. But the desire of craving is unusual. He was craving to eat paper.

Newspaper that she wanted to eat was not any type of paper. 35 year-old woman just wants to eat Dundee Evening Telegraph newspaper.

"Only the paper that tastes good," Ann said as reported by the Sunday Sun, Sunday (02/19/2012).

Ann was so crazy about the newspaper. To the extent that he kept a few sheets of paper in her purse when she suddenly want to snack while walking or shopping.

"I could have sat in a hallway and tore the sheet from the newspaper. People who saw me was wondering, why me," she said.

Before the weekend arrived, Ann also save quite a lot of sheets of newspaper in his home. It was that he had plenty of snacks on the weekend newspapers.

"My friends keep their papers for me. But I have to buy it again for the stock on the weekends," she added.

10 Causes of Difficult Pregnant at Women

10 Causes of Difficult Pregnant at Women - At a certain point in one's life, the desire to have children become very large. But for some people, get a pregnancy is an impossible mission.

According to the Mayo Clinic, about 10 to 15 percent of couples in the United States are infertile. This might be due to various reasons, either because of the male or female.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, a common cause of infertility in women is a problem with ovulation. This is a process of releasing a mature egg from the uterus to the fallopian tubes and then walked to be fertilized. A common sign of ovulation problems include abnormal menstrual periods, menstrual periods or less complete.

Below are some common causes of infertility in women, which is mostly associated with ovulation problems:

1. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a condition that causes excess production of androgen hormones and is one of the main causes of infertility in women. Hormonal imbalance caused by PCOS leads to problems with ovulation and menstrual cycle disruption. This condition is often associated with obesity and insulin resistance.

2. Early menopause

According to the Mayo Clinic, premature menopause is defined as a lack or loss of menstruation and ending early signs of ovarian follicles before a woman reaches the age of 40 years. A woman is considered premature menopause when ovarian function and stops menstruating before the age of 40 years. Certain immune diseases, or even radiation therapy can lead to premature menopause in women.

3. Damage to the fallopian tubes (tubal)

When fallopian tubes become inflamed, this might be due to blockage or scarring, which in turn, lead to infertility. Damage is generally caused by infection with sexually transmitted diseases, especially chlamydia. Other cases that can cause blockage of the tubes include pelvic inflammatory disease, or ectopic pregnancy due to scar.

4. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition in which uterine tissue grows outside the uterus. This condition usually affects the ovaries, eggs, fallopian tubes, uterus and even sperm function. In cases of mild endometriosis, conception is still possible that not all women will experience infertility. In this case, laparoscopy can be used to remove scar tissue caused by endometriosis to assist conception.

5. Ovarian scarring

Another factor affecting women's ovulation is physical damage to the ovaries. Damage can be caused by surgery due to ovarian cysts. Constant operation of a widespread or invasive scar tissue can cause damage to the point where it can no longer ovarian follicles mature, resulting in the ovulation process to be incomplete.

6. Pelvic adhesions

Pelvic adhesions are defined as scar tissue that forms after pelvic surgery, the appendix which can interfere with fertility. Pelvic adhesions can alter the structure of the fallopian tubes, making it difficult for women's eggs travel through the channel.

7. Thyroid problems

Hyperthyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland is overactive. While thyroid hypothyroidism, a condition caused by an underactive thyroid. Both can cause infertility problems in women.

8. Cancer Treatment

Having cancer and undergoing radiotherapy or other forms of cancer treatment may interfere with the functioning of the reproductive system of male or female. Research has shown that a woman's fertility decline is one cause side effects of radiation. But it also depends on the condition of the body part in the shine. Women who underwent radiation therapy should talk with their doctors about treatment effects that might affect their fertility.

9. Certain drugs and lifestyle

Certain drugs can cause infertility in women. But by stopping drug consumption entirely, women are still likely to become fertile again as before. Using drugs, drinking alcohol, smoking, unhealthy eating and being overweight or underweight, and excessive athletics can also cause infertility in women.

10. Age

Age is also considered a common factor related infertility in women. Women over 40 years of age have a lower number of eggs and tend to be less healthy. The possibility of miscarriage is also higher among women whose age was older.

Antibiotics Not Effective for Sinusitis

Antibiotics Not Effective for Sinusitis - Short duration of Sinusitis (acute) was less effective if treated with antibiotics. This is because most sinusitis is usually caused by viral infection or allergy.

In a study conducted Dr.Jane Garbutt, researchers and pediatricians from the Washington University School of Medicine, revealed that administration of antibiotics does not speed healing of sinusitis.

"We did a randomized study of adult patients diagnosed with acute sinusitis. When compared to placebo there was no difference in antibiotic therapy," says Garbutt.

Yet about one in five prescriptions circulating in the United States was aimed at treating sinusitis.

"Acute sinusitis is not fun. So most people want the disease to disappear and antibiotics are considered to accelerate healing. In fact, sinusitis most often caused by viral infections, so antibiotics do not help much," he said.

Sinusitis is an inflammation that occurs in the lining of the sinuses. Pain near the eye, headache, and difficulty breathing are common symptoms suffered. Colds and allergies are the most frequent cause of sinusitis, although sometimes also triggered by bacteria.

According to the guidelines of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, antibiotic treatment is only for sinusitis with moderate or severe symptoms. Giving antibiotics inappropriately feared would increase antibiotic resistance.

Research conducted by Garbutt and colleagues, involved 166 patients suffering from acute sinusitis. They dibangi in two groups, namely that got antibiotics and a placebo drug alias that does not have an active substance.

"Most people who suffer from acute sinusitis will heal itself without drugs. But they feel if it did not receive antibiotics nothing can be done," said Dr.Richard Lebowitz, ENT specialists.

In fact, according to him there are many things you can do to speed healing of sinusitis. For example, warms the face or use a decongestant that is sprayed into the nasal passages.

"Upper respiratory tract infections usually occur one to two weeks. Adjusted to the required treatment of symptoms. But if the complaints persist until more than two weeks, you should consult a doctor," says Lebowitz.

4 Ways to Use Medication Safely

4 Ways to Use Medication Safely - Drug can cure, but can also be toxic to your body. Therefore, the use of drugs can not be used arbitrarily and should only be administered by parties who are competent in their field.

Although there are several types of medications you can take without a prescription, does not mean that you can use it freely. Keep in mind, any kind of drugs have dangerous side effects if the use does not comply with the dose and the applicable rules.

To ensure there are no errors in the use of drugs that may be fatal to your health, here are 4 ways to safely use a drug, as quoted by the website

1. Make preparations

Make a list of prescription medications, and supplements such as vitamins, minerals, or herbs that you and your family need. Keep a copy of the drug list, and update it regularly.

2. Perform a review

At least once a year you should consult a GP or a specialist to discuss the types of drugs that you consume. This is to ensure no adverse reactions that occur when taking different drugs simultaneously, get the right dose, make sure the drug in accordance with the age and condition.

3. Consult the pharmacist

When buying medicines to the pharmacy, it would not hurt if you see a pharmacist and talk about the benefits and side effects of medications that you will buy. Pharmacists sometimes easier to explain to you rather than talk to your doctor. A pharmacist also have enough knowledge to explain about drug interactions. So if you have a chance, ask your pharmacist to review the list of drugs that you consume, for safety's sake.

4. When in the hospital, be proactive both before and after surgery.

Before surgery, ask your doctor whether there are certain drugs that are not allowed to consume. After that, when doctors and nurses want to give you a prescription medicine, ask them (assuming you are aware) to illustrate the usefulness of drugs and what effect they provide. If you have not realized in the long term (post surgery), asking for help to the people closest to you to do that for you.

Read others one 2-signs-of-stroke-attack

2 Signs of Stroke Attack

2 Signs of Stroke Attack - Stroke is a dangerous disease that can cause death of brain cells. The cause of stroke could be due to a blockage in blood vessels and the presence of a ruptured blood vessel.

Early detection of stroke symptoms is the key to prevent someone falling on a more fatal condition such as paralysis or even death. Therefore, if you have or see one or more signs of a stroke like this, immediately consult a doctor:

1. Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg - especially on one side of the body.

People with stroke will usually have a form of mouth "does not mean" alias oblique. Also need to be aware when they (suspected stroke) had difficulty moving the arm or finger control. For example, when lifting both hands, right hand higher than the other.

2. Sudden confusion and trouble speaking.

Language problem is one of the signs of the most common type of stroke. A person who suffered a sudden stroke may experience problems when they talk. In fact, some of which also decreased comprehension. Ask him (suspected stroke) to repeat a simple sentence to you, for example: "I went to the store today." If he has difficulty repeating the words she could be having a stroke.

Gene therapy for Parkinson's disease

Gene therapy for Parkinson's disease

Treat Parkinson's disease by gene therapy has proven successful in clinical trials for the first time, U.S. researchers said. This disease causes uncontrollable motor movements, tremor, rigidity and slow movements as part of the brain dies.

Small study in The Lancet Neurology used a virus to add genes to brain cells, resulting in less than half the patient's symptoms. Parkinson's UK warmly welcome this research, but they say more research is still needed. The disease affects 120,000 people in the UK, especially on over 50 years.

There is no cure for Parkinson's disease, although drugs and deep brain stimulation has shown a reduction in symptoms.

Gene therapy (gene therapy)

In patients with Parkinson's, a decline in the levels of chemicals are: GABA is located in the brain known as the nucleus subtalamikus. The researchers created a virus that "infects" cells with genes to increase the production of GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid).

In a trial of 22 patients, virus was injected into their brains, while 23 patients were "sham surgery", to make them think that they had injected the virus, their motor function and then monitored for six months.

Patients who had performed the gene therapy showed an increase of 23.1% at the level of their motor, while carried out with a "sham surgery" increased by 12.7%. Professor Nicholas Mazarakis, who is a specialist in gene therapy at Imperial College London, told the BBC a positive outcome was "very encouraging."

He added: "These results should be taken though with some caution, because even though the increase is rather small, only 10.4%, the clinical motor scale scores between patients who received gene therapy and placebo groups."

There are concerns about the safety of gene therapy. In 1999, Jesse Gelsinger died during the trial in the U.S. and there are cases of leukemia after treatment in France. The authors say the procedure is safe.

Dr Michelle Gardner, manager of the development of Parkinson's research in the UK, said: "This research shows promise of gene therapy for neurological conditions like Parkinson's, but further research is still needed. "We still do not know for how long the benefits of this treatment is over, or whether there may be long-term problems because the virus is inserted into the brain."

Diabetes Drugs Safe to Use, But ....

Diabetes Drugs Safe to Use, But ....

When patients with diabetes have set meals and doing enough exercise, but blood sugar is still not under control, it would require the help of drugs to increase insulin secretion or reduce insulin resistance.

There are a variety of diabetes medications, either oral or injection. At oral medication usually begins with a relatively small dose and then increased gradually if necessary.

As with other drugs that are not free from side effects, as well as for diabetes medication. These side effects can occur if the drug is given too much or individual reaction. Some recent studies even indicate a link between diabetes drug to increased risk of cancer.

"All drugs have side effects. Therefore, after the drug was released, there is the so-called post surveillance," said Dr. Ronald Hukom Sp.PD-KHOM, internal medicine physicians who are also experts in the cancer field when asked for his opinion on the use of diabetes medications that can trigger cancer.

Ronald says, post surveillance is defined as supervision of medication that has been widely circulated and approved by the competent authority, to be seen how far the side effects that may result from the drug in the long term. In Indonesia, surveillance is conducted in a rigorous and documented by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).

Ronald rate, people do not have to worry related to the findings that suggest the risk of the use of diabetes medications such as metformin, insulin and sulfonylureas on the development of pancreatic cancer. Because according to him, as long as can keep the dose and handled by an expert, the drug would not be harmful.

"Drugs are good for diabetes drugs metformin and cheap. Proof is not an attractive drug regulatory authorities and refer to this dangerous drug," said the doctor who practiced daily in Dharmais Cancer Hospital Jakarta.

Even though there are side effects, but if the risk is much smaller than the benefits it does not need to worry about.
"No need to worry about being watched and used along with the correct dose,"
he added.

Ronald also recommended that any physician providing information to patients about drug side effects that may result if used in a long time. This is so that patients can also use it with reasonable limits.

"If you are still worried, consult your doctor who gave drugs. Because the side effects of drugs on each person is different," he explained.

According to Ronald, each drug has harmful side effects if in its consumer does not follow procedures. He took the example of the use of chemotherapy drugs. Chemotherapy drugs can be categorized as a dangerous drug because it can cause cancer.

"That is, after several years of chemotherapy drugs a person can get cancer. But with the proper dose and appropriate, it will not harm," he said.

Meanwhile, Dr. Rianto Setiabudy, SpFK (K), Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia said, bardasarkan existing literature, he never found any data showing that the use of diabetes drugs trigger dangerous side effects.

"We have here the POM. If something is harmful to society, POM must act," he said.

But according to Riyanto, these drugs may still be dangerous if taken alone in its use (self medicine) - without consulting your doctor.

"It's not my intention to send someone to the doctor. But diabetes drugs that includes prescription drugs. If used without supervision it can be dangerous," he said

He also called for the public to avoid the habit of treating the disease itself. "If a mild disease may not be anything. But if such as diabetes, hypertension and heart, they should see a doctor," added Riyanto.

5 scariest types of cancer you must know

5 scariest types of cancer - Keep in mind that cancer is a deadly disease, very scary, man so many die from this cancer. Cancer deaths is the largest worldwide, even in Indonesia, though. This is known as the World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated 84 million people died from cancer in 2005 and 2015 timeframe.
Cancer can occur and sustained by anyone without any distinction of age, sex and social status. In the world Cancer Day which falls every year on February 4, WHO noted that nearly 80 percent of cancer deaths came from low-income countries and middle. In fact, a quarter of them occur before the age of 60 years.

Why would a person get cancer? one answer is because of an unhealthy lifestyle. Cancer occurs because of habit are generally unhealthy lifestyle, poor lifestyle change to healthier lifestyles are known can prevent cancer up to 30%. From now on, do not forget to pay attention to our lifestyle. live healthily. :)

World Day of the cancer, WHO announced 5 scariest types of cancer

1. Lung cancer (1.4 million deaths)
Lung cancer is the most deadly type of cancer. This cancer is very dangerous both in men or in women. Known to more people each year who die from lung cancer than breast cancer, colon, and prostate cancer. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. The more cigarettes you smoke each day and the earlier you start smoking, the greater the risk of lung cancer. There is no evidence that smoking low-tar with a reduced risk of lung cancer. Stay away from smoking and stay away from smokers, because secondhand smoke is more dangerous.

2. Stomach cancer (740 000 deaths)
Some types of cancer known to affect the stomach. Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of cancer to the stomach. Development of cancer is generally found in the lining of the stomach. Over time, the presence of cancer is starting to fade. Experts think this decline may be triggered due to lifestyle changes such as reducing salt intake and smoking.

3. Liver cancer (700,000 deaths)
In most cases, the cause of liver cancer caused by cirrhosis, which is the end result of chronic liver damage caused by chronic liver disease. Alcohol abuse is the most common cause of cirrhosis of the liver.

4. Colorectal cancer (610 000 deaths)
Colorectal cancer can begin to grow from the colon or rectum (end of colon). Initially, nearly all colorectal cancers are benign (polyps), but over time develop into cancer. Colorectal cancer is the third largest type of cancer in the world in terms of number of sufferers. Colorectal cancer is also the number two cause of death of two worlds, in which the age factor influences.

5. Breast cancer (460 000 deaths)
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue. Cancer can begin to grow in the milk glands, milk ducts, fatty tissue and connective tissue in the breast. In Indonesia, breast cancer is still the number one killer disease in women.

Birth control recall | Birth control recall raises risk of unplanned pregnancy

Birth control recall - Failing to prevent pregnancy is a pretty big failure for a birth control pill. Pfizer is trying to avoid that outcome by recalling 1 million packets of potentially defective pills. What's the problem? Every packet contains 3 week's worth of birth control pills and a week's worth of sugar pills—basically to keep you in the habit of taking a pill every day even during your period week.

Some of the defective packs don't contain enough sugar pills. In others, however, the actual birth control pills have been swapped for extra sugar pills. The recall includes Pfizer Lo/Ovral-28 tablets and Akrimax Pharmaceuticals brand Norgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol tablets.

Birth control recall. Pfizer manufactures and packages the birth control pill, but it is sold by Akrimax Pharmaceuticals.

Dr. Natasha Johnson, a gynecologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School, said most women these days take generic forms of birth control pills.

Birth control recall. The Pfizer recall comes on the heels of increased attention surrounding birth control and possible health risks.


8 Strategies to Prevent Stroke

8 Strategies to Prevent Stroke - Stroke or partial loss of all neurological function (nerve), which occurs suddenly has become one of serious diseases in Indonesia, because of a growing number of cases.

In developed countries like the United States, stroke number third as a cause of death. While in Indonesia, stroke is the leading cause of death and top cause of disability.

"It takes a strategy for dealing with stroke. Data in Indonesia showed that 8.3 per 10,000 people suffer a stroke," said dr. Dani Ekawati Yulianti, SpS, neurologist MRCCC Siloam Hospital Semanggi, while seminar Healty Healthty Brain for Life, in Jakarta, Saturday (14/01/2012).

In fact, as much as 23 percent of patients who were hospitalized due to stroke resulted in death.
Eka said

There are many risk factors that lead to stroke such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and excessive alcohol consumption. However, these risk factors can actually be altered by treatment of lifestyle.

Here are some Strategies to Prevent Stroke as revealed by dr. Eka:

1. Healthy and Balanced Diet

Healthy and balanced diet can mean eating lots of fruits and vegetables, low fat milk, low cholesterol and low sodium (daily salt intake should not exceed 2300 mg or about 1 teaspoon)

2. Regular physical activity

With moderate exercise (30-60 minutes accumulated) 4 to 7 days a week. For example, brisk walking, jogging, biking, swimming. For high-risk patients is recommended to follow a medically supervised program.

3. Weight Control

Maintain a Body Mass Index (BMI) in the range of 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2 and a waist circumference of less than 80 cm for women and less than 90 cm for men (standard and South East Asia).

4. Stop Smoking

Smoking is one of the biggest trigger factor for stroke. Soon as possible to quit smoking and live in an environment free from tobacco smoke. There are several ways to stop smoking with nicotine replacement therapy (gum, patch) and behavioral therapy.

5. Limit Alcohol Consumption

Consuming alcohol is actually not be a problem as long as not excessive. Consumption of alcohol should be enough two standard glasses or less per day. For men with no more than 14 drinks per week. While for women less than 9 drinks per week.

6. Control of Hypertension

Lowering high blood pressure to target less than 140/90 mmHg (without other comorbidities).

7. Blood Sugar Control

For diabetics, the target of more aggressive blood pressure reduction of less than 130/80. Blood sugar control target of HbA1c <6.5 percent.  

8. Hypercholesterolemia

For people with high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia), the provision of statins and lifestyle modifications to target LDL cholesterol levels less than 100 mg/dl.

Quoted from

Men must Avoid 5 this Supplement

Men must Avoid 5 this Supplement - First, the consumption of supplements are often synonymous with femininity because it was thought women are weaker than men. But now, that assumption is no longer valid. Many men use supplements for various reasons, such as to simply maintain fitness, prevent certain diseases, and increase stamina.

However, you are the men must remain cautious. Because, there are several types of mineral deposits or active ingredient in a supplement that can actually trigger the progression of the disease.

Here are five types of supplementation to be aware of by men as quoted health.msn. For security in taking supplements, you should first consult a physician.

* Folic Acid

Many research revealed the efficacy of folic acid in particular to treat depression and heart disease. In fact, some people believe that taking folic acid regularly can repair a damaged sperm to become normal again. However, studies on the experts at the University of Southern California found that eating 1 mg dose of folic acid every day can lead to risk of prostate cancer up to three times. The research was never published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute in March 2009.

* Resveratrol

Resveratrol is one of the polyphenolic compounds found in plants and is often used in the medical field. The results of laboratory tests on mice showed even resveratrol can prolong the lifespan of mice. However, the studies in human showed that resveratrol consumption can cause kidney damage.

* Selenium

Selenium (Se) is an antioxidant that is beneficial to human health. High levels of antioxidants in selenium are believed to increase endurance. However, some research has linked the consumption of selenium with an increased risk of prostate cancer. In 2009, experts from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at the University of California, San Francisco, reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology that high levels of selenium in the blood may worsen prostate cancer in men who have this disease.

* Kava

Kava extracts are commonly used as an herbal product in North America to cope with anxiety, stress, tension, and insomnia. Consumption of kava supplements are not appropriate in some cases can result in severe liver toxicity, including hepatitis and liver failure in some people.

* Ginkgo biloba

Since the first ginkgo biloba has long been used as traditional medicine in China. This herbal plant has been recognized efficacy in improving memory (memory). However, the results showed that ginkgo biloba-based supplement is often contaminated with lead. Researchers from the United States Government Accountability Office in 2010 and then in a report that appeared in The New York Times reported the existence of a number of herbal supplements are contaminated with several heavy metals, including ginkgo.

Malaria Kills 1.2 Million People Each Year

Malaria Kills 1.2 Million People Each Year - Each year, approximately 1.2 million people worldwide die of malaria. According to the latest data as published in the British medical journal, The Lancet. The figures quoted were much higher than WHO estimates that 655 000 in 2010.

Difference is partly because the amount of the researchers are now using a more extensive data and more reliable, including using a technique called "verbal autopsy". Through this technique the researchers interviewed family members who had recently died. In many poor countries are low health infrastructure, pretty much the death of an unidentified cause.

Even so, both the WHO or the Lancet data showed a decrease in the number of global deaths due to diseases transmitted by mosquitoes.

Global mortality due to malaria disease had increased from 995 000 in 1980 and reached its peak in 2004 which reached 1.82 million, then fell back to 1.24 million in 2010.

Increased mortality in 2004 is partly due to the increased population at high risk of malaria, while the reduction achieved in 2010 because of rapid malaria control efforts in Africa that many funded by international donors.

One of the most active donors today are Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, RBM, and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis. In addition to expanding access to treatment, provision of mosquito nets are also effective for preventing mosquito bites.

From the latest data also revealed deaths from Malaria, Malaria also occurs in children and adults. In 2010, approximately 42 percent of deaths occur in children aged over 5 years to over 15 years.

Benefits of Bananas | Make Healthy Colon

Benefits of Bananas | Make Healthy Colon - What is the equation of bananas with corn, eggs, salmon, and spinach? A vitamin that is very good for your colon! It is Vitamin B6. Science has shown that with adequate intake of vitamin B6 each day, then you can avoid the risk of colon and rectal cancer.

In a large study that looked for associations of vitamin B6 with colon health, those with the highest intake of vitamin B6 from diet and supplements proved to have very little chance of getting colorectal cancer (cancer of the colon and rectum) up to 20-30%. And this is just a new study shows one of the many benefits of vitamin B6. The researchers speculate that vitamin B6 plays a role in maximizing the folate in the body of work so that the process of bowel movement to be smooth.

In addition to a healthy colon, vitamin B6 also helps prevent Parkinson's disease and depression. Instead, the consumption of bananas in increments of 1 ½ -2 bananas a day to meet the body's need for vitamin B6 and folate.

In order to not get bored with the usual bananas, bananas vary with some of the following ways:

- Make it as a substitute for butter on bread wheat. - Mix the ice cream/low fat-free chocolate with banana flavor. - Replace the cheese with a banana as the contents of your current rice cracker snack.

8 Types of food Consume Every Day

8 Types of food Consume Every Day - Every human being needs to eat to fill the energy and effort was wasted. But still many people are ignorant and do not pay attention to what goes into their mouths. Though food plays an important role not only to overcome hunger, but also its function in improving health. In short, we must be smart to choose foods that are good for the body.

The following are 8 Types of food Consume Every Day, as quoted MensHealth:


You seem to be modeled after the cartoon character Popeye ate spinach hooked. Spinach has a very vital role in building muscle as a rich source of omega-3s and folate, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and osteoporosis. Amazingly, folate may also increase blood flow to the lower part of your body, thus helping to protect you against problems related to sexual abuse. Spinach is also high in lutein, a compound that may fight macular degeneration (damage to eye tissue).


Fermented health drinks are very good to support overall health. Yogurt contains hundreds of millions of probiotic organisms (good bacteria) that serves as an aid in the face of bad bacteria in your body. Yogurt also helps improve your immune system and provide protection against cancer.


The red color on tomato skins contain the antioxidant lycopene. If you want to get the best results, you should cook the tomatoes before you eat it. Because tomatoes are cooked more easily absorbed by the body. Studies show that diets rich in lycopene can decrease the risk of bladder cancer, lung, prostate, skin cancer, and stomach cancers, as well as reducing the risk of coronary artery disease. If you do not really like tomatoes, can change with watermelon red, Japanese persimmon, papaya, guava.


Carrots are not only good for maintaining eye health, but also reduces the risk of cancer and severity due to inflammation such as asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. As an alternative to replacement, you can eat sweet potatoes, squash, peppers and mango.

Black beans

All types of nuts are generally good for heart health. But black bean has properties not possessed by any other bean that is, increase brain power. Black beans are rich in anthocyanin content - an antioxidant compound that serves to enhance brain function. In one day you simply eat half a cup of black beans (8 grams of protein and 7.5 grams of fiber). Black beans are very low in calories and saturated fat free, so do not be afraid to eat them.


Walnuts contain omega-3 more than the salmon. Diets high in omega 3 has been shown to improve heart health, prevent stroke, and hypertension.


The benefits of oats are very important for diabetics to help regulate blood sugar levels. The results of research in Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that beta-glucan in oats can help prevent the occurrence of elevated levels of blood sugar in diabetics dramatically after eating.


The high content of antioxidants in blueberries make these foods are known as the main enemy of cancer. In fact, some studies suggest that blueberries rich in fiber, vitamins A and C. If you are hard to get them not to worry, you can replace it with acai berry, grape, raisins and strawberries.

Ripe Tomatoes Slows Cancer

Ripe tomatoes Slows Cancer - Lycopene, the giver of red color in tomatoes, has long been known health benefits. But the greatest usefulness is slow, and even kill cancer cells.

Research on the benefits of lycopene was carried out by Dr.Mridula Chopra and his team from the University of Portsmouth. They found lycopene works by inhibiting the blood supply that is food for cancer cells so the cells can not grow, even death.

Ripe Tomatoes Slows Cancer. Now researchers will soon test whether the same reaction will be found on cancer cells in the human body. "The mechanism of cancer-fighting that simple can we get if we consume ripe tomatoes," said Dr.Chopra.

Lycopene is actually generally found in red fruits and vegetables, but the highest concentrations found in tomatoes. Lycopene also be more easily absorbed and biologically active, if lightly tomatoes cooked with a little oil.

Chopra asserted that the new research conducted at the laboratory is limited. "Even so laboratory evidence is very clear, lycopene can easily damage the mechanism of cancer cells alive," said researcher whose research was published in the British Journal of Nutrition.

Cancer cells over many years could "sleep" until they are triggered by chemical substances and then grow. Cancer cells divide and grow uncontrollably with nearby normal cells. In addition, this cell will affect the function and normal cell growth because it competes for nutrients that fight over there.

In laboratory studies, lycopene was capable of damaging relations with the nutrition of the cancer cells so that he can not grow.

Another important thing is this mechanism appears mainly due to lycopene in prostate cancer tend to congregate in the prostate tissue. In addition, please note also that lycopene is needed to fight cancer is different in each individual.