Malaria Kills 1.2 Million People Each Year

Malaria Kills 1.2 Million People Each Year - Each year, approximately 1.2 million people worldwide die of malaria. According to the latest data as published in the British medical journal, The Lancet. The figures quoted were much higher than WHO estimates that 655 000 in 2010.

Difference is partly because the amount of the researchers are now using a more extensive data and more reliable, including using a technique called "verbal autopsy". Through this technique the researchers interviewed family members who had recently died. In many poor countries are low health infrastructure, pretty much the death of an unidentified cause.

Even so, both the WHO or the Lancet data showed a decrease in the number of global deaths due to diseases transmitted by mosquitoes.

Global mortality due to malaria disease had increased from 995 000 in 1980 and reached its peak in 2004 which reached 1.82 million, then fell back to 1.24 million in 2010.

Increased mortality in 2004 is partly due to the increased population at high risk of malaria, while the reduction achieved in 2010 because of rapid malaria control efforts in Africa that many funded by international donors.

One of the most active donors today are Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, RBM, and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis. In addition to expanding access to treatment, provision of mosquito nets are also effective for preventing mosquito bites.

From the latest data also revealed deaths from Malaria, Malaria also occurs in children and adults. In 2010, approximately 42 percent of deaths occur in children aged over 5 years to over 15 years.

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