Pregnant at Age Over 35 Years

Pregnant at Age Over 35 Years - If you are older than 35 years and plan to become pregnant for the first time, you are not alone. Many women are delaying pregnancy until the age of 35 years and still be able to give birth to healthy babies. The condition is that you should treat yourself to be healthy. It may help your baby be born healthy too.

The first thing to realize is the risk of getting pregnant at that age. Biological clock is a fact of life. There is nothing special at the age of 35 years, but the woman has some risk that deserves to be discussed, as follows:

1. It will probably take a little longer to get pregnant. Women are born with a finite number of eggs. When age has penetrated 30-something years, egg quality declines. Ovulation will be rare, though you still menstruate with the routine. Eggs from older women would be more difficult than their fertilized eggs than younger ones. Does that mean women over the age of 35 years can not get pregnant? It could be, just that it would take longer. If sexual intercourse until six months, not pregnant, you should see a gynecologist

2. The risk of gestational diabetes. Type of diabetes that only occurs in pregnancy and usually suffered seat when the old get older. Controlling blood sugar through diet, physical activity, and other healthy lifestyle is important. Sometimes the treatment is also needed. If gestational diabetes is not controlled, the baby will grow up, which would increase the risk of injury while giving birth.

3. High blood pressure. Impaired blood pressure during pregnancy before the age of 20 weeks is called chronic hypertension, gestational hypertension after 20 weeks, after 20 weeks accompanied by the presence of protein in the urine or preeclampsia. According to the Mayo Clinic, some research suggests that high blood pressure during pregnancy will be more apt to occur when pregnant women aged over 35 years. Your doctor will help you monitor your blood pressure. In addition, you may need a blood pressure-lowering drugs if during labor, blood pressure remains too high, to avoid complications.

4. Other risks. Another risk is the possibility of giving birth by C-surgical (cesarean surgical), higher rates of miscarriage, and abnormal chromosomes will also be more frequent.

Creating a Healthy Choice

After knowing all the risks, the next step is to pay attention to all that you remain in prime condition. Thus will your baby was born in good health.

Here's what should be a concern:

1. Creating a pre-conception agreement: Meet obstetrician before you decide to become pregnant, to ensure that your body is in a ready condition.

2. Routine checks: During pregnancy, gynecologic visits to a gynecologist will membuuhkan doctor monitor your health and well baby.

3. Adopting healthy eating pol: Pregnant women need more folic acid, calcium, iron, protein, other essential nutrients den. How wonderful if you've adopted a healthy diet long before the pregnancy. Prenatal vitamin drink ideally starting several months prior to pregnancy.

4. Paying attention to weight gain: Increase the right weight can support your baby's health. And will also be easier for you to lose weight after giving birth. Increase of approximately 11-16 kg sometimes be recommendations for women with normal body beret. For obese women, are advised to lose weight before pregnancy. Work with a gynecologist to determine the proper weight.

5. Stay active: unless your obstetrician to prohibit the move, you should stay active as usual. Exercise for pregnant women can reduce the inconvenience and also increase energy. With exercise, you will have the muscle strength and stamina, which is useful when giving birth.

6. Avoid risky substances: alcohol, tobacco, and drugs consumed during pregnancy is prohibited.

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