Montly Important Health News in World Health Medicine

World Health Medicine begin to make nay health posting that posted in kkkmedicine blog monthly. So, any body can look more about some news that have been planted on the root of the blog.

Below are 5 Interesting post of the month

1. 5 Vital Nutrition to Children
Here are tell you about nutrient that are so important that consume by children, you can see and give your attention to this post to get more about nutrient that needed by children.

2. The Characteristics of a Healthy Breast
Beautiful breast shape is important, but far more important if breast is also healthy. Healthy breasts that means must be free of disease, especially breast cancer and functioning correctly. this news took from womanhealth website, this post is directed to women, in order they can guard their health rightly.

3. Avoid Child from Obesity
Really afraid, obesity is one of the danger disease, cause can form the other crucial disease. this post is important to know for all of us. we must know how to get away from obesity disease. So, i recommend you for read this one.

4. 9 side effect of drugs
Many of us may be consume drug without attention side effect. Eating while sleeping is one of the side effect of wrong in drug intake.So, this post is recommend you to be careful to drug that we intake and consume everyday.

5. Eating Fish Important to woman.
Cause this is can prevent them from heart disease, this statement based on the following quoted.
The researchers found that women of childbearing age who never ate fish had a 50 percent higher risk of cardiovascular problems affected than women who frequently eat fish.

OK, these 5 important posting of the month on this kkkmedicine will be make us more remember to our health. Hope keep more for read my next new Post about health. Thank :)

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