Cataract, Main Causes of Blindness

Cataract, Main Causes of Blindness - Indonesia is being one of the most high of blindness risk in the world. But, until now the prevention of the problem of blindness yet be a priority of government, both in the center or regional.

Ophthalmologist who is also former Chairman of the Central Executive Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association (Perdami), Tjahjono Darminto Gondhowiardjo, say, the percentage of blindness in Indonesia continues to increase. Based on the survey in 1982, the blindness rate of 1.2 percent of the population. In survey years 1993-1996, the figure rose to 1.5 percent of blindness.

"In 2008, Health Research Association states, the rate of blindness in Indonesia is only 0.9 percent. However, the survey methodology can not be compared with the 1993-1996 survey year so it does not describe the real conditions,"
he said when delivering the inaugural lecture as a member of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI), Wednesday (22/6), in Jakarta.

According to him, the biggest cause of blindness in Indonesia is cataract blindness (52 percent). Exposure to sunlight containing ultraviolet rays and a lack of nutrients triggers. This type of blindness can be rehabilitated through surgery. That is, the rate of blindness in Indonesia can be suppressed if the cataract patients inoperable.

According to him, the eye health of a person's effect on productivity levels and ultimately affect the productivity of the nation. Therefore, the government and the private sector need to work together to reduce the number of blindness.

Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery, using methods of the V-shaped incision to open the anterior layer of the eye lens capsule. According to an ophthalmologist, Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Irsan CKM, it is easier for doctors in cataract patients operated on rather than an incision shaped like open cans are wont to do.

"This method is faster. Easy replacement lens is inserted to replace the old lens is taken because of cataract, "he said. This method was introduced Sanduk ruit of the Institute of Tilganga Kathmandu, Nepal, who co-operated on the patients in North Sumatra. In one patient surgery only takes 5-7 minutes. (kompas)

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