Benefits of Jogging for Health

Benefits of Jogging for Health | This is one secret of longevity is relatively easy and inexpensive. Yes, Often run relaxed or jogging, at least two or three times a week. According to the results of the study the scientists, this simple recipe and can extend life expectancy, at least up to six years.

One of the benefits of jogging for health reported by Denmark scientists, men or women who do jogging regularly experienced an average increase in life expectancy between five to six years. The greatest benefits of jogging, a person would be obtained if done with a slow or leisurely pace, and enough to make breathing a little out of breath. Not running at high speed which makes your body work hard.

"Our research results with a clear answer, if jogging is beneficial to your health?. We can say that jogging regularly extended the life. The good news is you do not have to do it hardly to get benefits of jogging for health, says cardiovascular health expert from Denmark, Dr Peter Schnohr, involving 2,000 men and women in his studying.

Research on jogging Conducted by Schnohr, is part of a study entitled The Copenhagen City Heart Study. This study monitored 20,000 men and Danish women aged 20 to 93 years since 1976.

In examining the benefits of jogging for health, led by Dr Tim Schnohr investigate the average rate of mortality among 1116 men and 762 women who often do jogging for 35 years. Participants also were asked how much time is spent jogging every week, whether they are running with slow, medium or fast.

According to the researchers, to get the benefits of jogging for health. The most ideal jogging is done for one to 2.5 hours in one session at a moderate pace. Within a week, jogging should also be done between two to three times.

Hopefully this article on the benefits of jogging becoming attention and useful to all.

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