Aloe Vera | 20 Benefits of Aloe Vera | Lidah Buaya

Aloe Vera, 20 Benefits of Aloe Vera | Lidah Buaya | Aloe vera is also called Lidah Buaya. You must be familiar with this one plant. Green plants that known with function nourish the hair and smooth skin is the type of vegetation that we often encounter on the home page.

But do you know if Aloe Vera has other benefits in addition to cosmetics.

Here are some of the benefits of aloe vera plant:

1. Cool the burned skin due to sunlight, especially for those who often works outdoors.

2. Skin problems caused by weather, such as dry skin, redness, peeling, and mild irritation or rash.

3. Diminish the reddish color of the bruises on the body.

4. Cope with the discomfort caused by a razor.

5. Cope with minor burns.

7. Can be used as an anti-aging cream or treat wrinkles.

8. Treat the rash due to exposure to the sap of plants.

9. Relieve itching from insect bites.

10. Use every day to diminish scars and strecth marks, streaks of white or red due to pregnancy.

11. Care for minor injuries caused by a knife cut or scratched.

12. Tarnish spots blackish spots on the skin.

13. Can be useful as a substitute for hair conditioners and jelly.

14. Can be used to reduce acne.

15. Used to speed healing of canker sores.

16. Can be used as a natural body lotion.

17. To relieve cramps muscle or tightening.

18. Used to reduce the complaints on the issue of gum.

19. Reduce the dandruff on the head. []

20. Overcome the water fleas.
May this 20 Benefits of Aloe Vera | Lidah Buaya be useful, dont forget for reading this one Aloe Vera | 20 Benefits of Aloe Vera


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