5 Facts about Chocolate not Reveal

5 Facts about Chocolate not Reveal | On average, women must like chocolate. Either love the comfortable effect caused, or because it is indeed addictive. If you are a fan of chocolate, the following five facts may be useful to you.

5 Facts about Chocolate not Reveal

1. Improve energy during exercise
You do not need to consume sports drinks or protein shakes a lot of energy booster is provided for during exercise. A study published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, comparing the effects of sports drinks with milk chocolate on the endurance athlete to recover after a series of sessions bike sprints, followed by endurance exercise bike for the next day.

Apparently, milk chocolate can relieve muscle soreness after a session of sprints as effective as sports drinks, and provide energy for the athlete to perform endurance session the next day.

2. Menstruation does not cause your chocolate cravings

"Chocolate is socially considered a comfort food, and people crave comfort food when feeling uncomfortable," said Annmarie Kostyk, chocolate experts from the Professional School of Chocolate Arts, Ecole Chocolat, in Canada.

3. Not for retaining sleepiness
The statement that chocolate contains caffeine that often lead to misunderstanding, according to Kostyk. Therefore, the caffeine content of chocolate is very small. Dark chocolate (dark chocolate) as much as 28 grams contains about 20 mg of caffeine, while 28 grams of milk chocolate contains about 5 mg of caffeine. This amount is equal to 226 ml of decaf coffee (without caffeine). Compare with a cup of coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine, even a cup of tea contains 50 mg caffeine.

4. Contain flavonoids
Flavonoids are a type of fitokemikal, which is naturally found in chocolate. By Giana Angelo, PhD, a researcher who specializes in the field of micronutrient research at the Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University, because of its unique chemical structure, flavonoids can promote antioxidant effects, anti-inflammatory and protective cells. Eating foods rich in flavonoids is said to reduce the risk of heart disease. But to obtain these benefits, choose dark chocolate. The average dark chocolate contains about 60 percent cocoa, and contains 536 mg of flavonoids per 40 g serving. Consumption of 80 milligrams of flavonoids a day can lower blood pressure.

5. Not bad for teeth
There are many who think chocolate can cause cavities. In fact, the reality is quite the contrary. Theobromine, the organic molecules found in cocoa, may help strengthen tooth enamel, according to research from Tulane University. Unfortunately, not very useful theobromine in chocolate bars, because the content of sugar and milk will neutralize the benefits to teeth.

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