5 Foods to Eliminate Fat In Stomach

5 Foods to Eliminate Fat In Stomach - Consuming the wrong types of carbohydrates can accumulate fat in the abdomen. Then how do I struggle to get a flat belly? Well, these foods can form a stomach like a bodybuilder:

1. Plain yogurt
We all know yogurt is good for health. Probiotic bacteria in yogurt helps keep the digestive system stay healthy. The indication to reduce gas, bloating, constipation and keep your stomach looking flat with no flab.

2. Cereals
Set aside the white bread and switched to whole wheat bread and brown rice. A recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that calorie-controlled diet rich in whole grains and are able to trim the fat in the abdomen. Insulin response to declining grain, So easier to mobilize fat storage.

3. Greens
Broccoli, asparagus, peppers and butter beans contain vitamins A, C, K, folate, beta carotene, calcium, magnesium and fiber is good for the metabolism of fat accumulation in the abdomen.

4. Monounsaturated fats
Diets high in monounsaturated fats like olive oil helps reduce levels of abdominal fat. Even with no change or increase the intake of calories in sports.

5. Vinegar
Research in Japan found a substance that gives a sour taste and smell of strong vinegar against fat. They found that overweight individuals consuming 1 or 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar every day for 12 weeks significantly body weight, levels of BMI, visceral fat content in the stomach and waist size decreased. Vinegar contains acetic acid which can activate protein gene pumps to break down fat.

Resource: Resep.web.id

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