Overcome Malnutrition with pioglitazone

Overcome Malnutrition with pioglitazone| Pioglitazone which has been used to overcome insulin resistance in diabetic patients may prove to be an alternative supportive treatment to overcome the weight loss due to cancer, particularly in patients with lymphatic cancer non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (non-Hodgkin's lymphoma malignum). Pioglitazone may improve nutritional status, and insulin resistance.

Dody that promoted by Prof. Ari Harryanto Reksodiputro, with kopromotor Prof. Rianto Setiabudy and Prof. Zubairi, passed with an A value.

Dody dissertation titled "The impact of pioglitazone on nutritional status in patients with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma Malignum receiving CHOP chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone): A review of changes in levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), interleukin (IL-1ß and IL-6) ".

The study was conducted Dody, who is also Medical Director Dharmais Cancer Hospital, during November 2009 to February 2011 in 18 cancer patients who meet the criteria for inclusion in the SSR Dharmais Oncology Clinic.

"Nutritional disorders frequently occur in cancer patients, before or during treatment, as well as in advanced cancer. This is so the cause of increased morbidity and mortality, "he said.

In a research note an increase in body mass index above 2 kilograms per square meter in the group of patients who received pioglitazone pascakemoterapi 4 cycles as much as 33.3 percent of patients. As for which no cure is only 12.5 percent.

The using of pioglitazone at a dose of 30 μgram per day to 12 weeks was safe, no side effects found in the form of hypoglycemia, impaired renal function, significant liver function in patients. [kompas]

Technorati Tags: Malnutrition, pioglitazone, Nutritional disorders, Medical Director

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